Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Teen Girls Skip Breakfast More as They Age

Teen Girls Skip Breakfast More as They Age

Teen Girls Skip Breakfast More as They Age

Girls Who Eat Breakfast Have Healthier Diets, Study Shows

June 3, 2005 -- Skipping breakfast becomes more common among teenaged girlsas they get older, but that habit may be settingthem up for weight gainmay be setting them up for weight gain and adiet lacking critical nutrients.

A new study shows that adolescent girls skip breakfast more often as theyget older, and black girls are more likely to skip their morning meal thanwhite girls.

Researchers say the results suggest skipping breakfast may predispose girlsto diets that are low in calcium and fiber as well as sabotage weight lossefforts. That's because the study also showed that teenaged girls who eat breakfast are leaner and have a lower body massindex (BMI, a measure of weight in relationship to height)eat breakfast are leaner and have a lower body massindex (BMI, a measure of weight in relationship to height) thanthose who routinely skip breakfast.

Breakfast and the Teenaged Girl

In the study, which appears in the June issue of the Journal of theAmerican Dietetic Association, researchers analyzed information from anine-year federal health study containing dietary information from more than2,300 girls who entered the study at age 9 or 10.

The findings include:
  • The percentage of girls who ate breakfast on a daily basis droppeddramatically from more than 77% for 9-year-old white girls and 57% for9-year-old black girls to less than 32% and 22%, respectively, by age 19.
  • Black girls consistently ate breakfast less often than white girls at allage levels.
  • Girls who ate breakfast regularly had a lower BMI than those who regularlyskipped breakfast.
  • Girls who ate breakfast consistently had diets that were higher in fiberand calcium.

Researchers say these results add to a growing body of evidence that eatingbreakfast provides nutritional benefits to children and adolescents.

Eating breakfast is associated with more healthful food choices and regulareating patterns throughout the day and other health-related behaviors such asregular physical activity, they write.

In addition, they say routinely eating breakfast may lead to more regulareating habits and exercise patterns, healthful food choices, and consistentenergy intake, which may pay off in many other healthful ways in the longrun.

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