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Disney Makes Presidential History Come To Life In The Hall of Presidents

The Hall of Presidents in the Magic Kingdom always gets a makeover with each new president. But when President Barack Obama won the elections, Imagineers closed the whole hall of the historic attraction, and it was given a whole new look. The new Hall of Presidents officially re-opened on July 4, 2009.

The Lobby

The lobby showcases new displays and concepts. The first ladies are already featured in the lobby. Even these ladies' dresses are even displayed in the lobby. The place also exhibits historic artifacts, such as George W. Bush's cowboy boots - the same pair he wore in his inauguration. Who would have thought that a President would actually wear boots, especially on a very special day, his inauguration? Maybe yes, and maybe not. Boots were once fashionable everyday footwear. You'll notice some new items from early presidents' too. And portraits of the presidents have been hung in the lobby.

The cast members are completely knowledgeable about American history, so be sure to ask them any questions you like about these lobby exhibits.

Inside the Theater

After you've finished examining First Lady dresses, fancy, modern cowboy boots, and authentic tailored suits, including George Washington's handmade wool outfit, you'll enter the theater, sit down and wait for the show to begin. Firstly, the former presidents' ups and downs are showcased in the film. The narrator with the smooth and incredible voice is no other than Morgan Freeman. Most of the time, however, scenes and pictures shown in the film are pretty much the same. Presidential leadership is the heart of this film, especially during hard times. If you want to know how that turned out, well, you just have to wait and see. Of course, Abraham Lincoln is featured. Don't be surprised when President Lincoln interrupts a segment on the Civil War to deliver the Gettysburg Address.

More highlights on the difficult times the Presidents encountered: Bill Clinton eulogizing those killed in the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing and George W. Bush addressing the country after 9/11.

And as each President's name is called - again by Morgan Freeman - the curtain goes up, they wave, nod, and speak, all 43 of them. It's fantastic! These animatronics has been done very well, and these presidents just look so real as they speak and move.

Definitely A No-No for Little Children

Half an hour of your time will be spent in the Hall of Presidents. But small children may not be so interested in cowboy boots, dresses, and speeches, even if the attraction is air-conditioned. Teenagers will probably find the lifelike animatronics pretty cool. Adults will surely love it, too, especially those who are familiar with American history. This show has been known to make viewers teary-eyed.

But be prepared for some booing and yelling when some presidents are announced. Such is politics.

Worth the Visit

Some people skip the Hall of Presidents. And that's one mistake you shouldn't make. The animatronic presidents are incredibly lifelike. Focusing on the little details is what makes this attraction realistic. And the history is inspiring.

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