Health & Medical Body building

Train Your Mind to Get Six Packs Abs

A friend of mine had been trying to lose weight for a long time.
He tried various pills, nutritious diet plans, weight loss belts and everything imaginable.
He used to go to the gym every day.
Diet like crazy but he was still not seeing the results he wanted.
Why was that? Why is this happening to me? He came down crying and told me that he wanted to get six packs abs for his girlfriend who was gone for a couple of months and was retuning on the valentines day.
"You know what your problem is?" I asked him and he looked at me innocently "If only I knew" he sighed.
"Your problem is that you are trying too hard without believing in yourself.
You go to the gym everyday and stress yourself that you have to get it done else you will fail, else you are a loser, else you might lose your girlfriend.
But this is doing the negative effect on your life and taking a very bad toll on your abs.
you can never get six packs abs if you don't believe in yourself.
You need to have faith that it WILL happen and you will see that it will" He took my words seriously and when I saw him after a few weeks, his arms were wrapped around a beautiful blonde who looked very much in love with him.
He came to thank me but I told him to thank his own self and his own mind.
Human brain is complex and if you train your brain that something is possible then it will definitely help you achieve that goal.
It's all in your head so before you all go out to gain six packs abs, train your mind first.
A positive attitude will not only help you with six packs abs but also in your daily life routine.

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