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What to say when you approach a woman

Girls. One of the most complicated and vague individuals on the planet. Males are attracted to girls that's for sure, no matter how much they try to reject it and definitely they're usually tongue-tied in the presence of a gorgeous lady, often mumbling, looking  for the best lines to state or simply groan in relief when the ladies they like walk by.

In reality, you don't have to be the most attractive creature or pretend to be the smartest fellow to be able to spark a discussion with a girl you crush on or to someone you would like to know better.

Below are some easy advices to keep the ball rolling, the forms of discussion starters that'll surely capture her attention keep her desiring to talk to you more.
1.    Ask her inquiries about her, her growing up, the big times in her lifetime, the thing that has a big effect on her without sounding like a weirdo.

2.    Try to activate her "hot button". Seek her interests and pastimes. Topics that you both can talk on an extended stage of time minus the snooze factor. Hot button can mean anything  on the things she likes, a recent interest (like photos, art, etc.), a movie; anything that lights up the conversation.

3.    Compliment her. Indeed, a lady loves that a lot but ensure not to use words like beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking, sexy and such. Simply be sincere. Compliment her watch for example that it suits her. Or her hairstyle. These will certainly make her smile in an instant.

4.    Say her name. Indeed this does sound overused but then girls love it when you call her by her name be it through the internet or when you are speaking to the girl in person.

5.    TMI (Too Much Information) is dangerous. So when you start a discussion especially if it is about you, never show off that you're the MVP of a basketball game in college or you are the summa cum laude. These things are not good as a starter for a discussion. This will surely force her away quickly and make her assume that you just want to blow your own horn to let her notice you. Also don't tell her bad or gossips. You will only appear stupid and meddlesome. Hence there is no way that you can obtain her contact info.

6.    Make her laugh. Your humor is very important. When you start a conversation be sure to maintain her amusement , be it on the web or personally. If you can let her laugh it's a good sign that she's really interested in getting to know you too (at least).

7.    Don't Lie. Lying is a definite no when talking to ladies.  Some women are like a lie detector machine. They can sense if you're untruthful or even when you're overstating the  things referring to you.

8.    Utter the magic word. Saying phrases like please, yes, indeed, I see, while she's speaking to you displays you're paying attention and really interested in her. So the next chance that you strike a conversation with a girl next to your room or at work or even on the World Wide Web, ensure you reach the best note.

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