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How to Change the Oil in a MTD Push Lawn Mower

    • 1). Lay down a cloth tarp and roll the mower onto it. It is important that you do all of your work on the tarp to avoid damaging the ground.

    • 2). Open the fuel tank and pumping the fuel out of the motor with the siphon pump and into a fuel can.

    • 3). Pull the sparkplug cap off the spark plug. Remove the sparkplug from the mower.

    • 4). Unscrew and remove the oil dipstick from the engine. Pump out the oil from the dipstick fill tube, using the siphon pump, and place it into an oil pan. Tilt the mower toward the dipstick tube to get as much of the oil out as possible.

    • 5). Fill the engine with the appropriate oil. This is listed in your mower's owner's manual. Allow the oil to settle for one to two minutes.

    • 6). Dip the dipstick in the oil to make sure there is enough oil in the machine. If there is, replace the dipstick and tighten it into place

    • 7). Fill the engine with fuel. Replace the sparkplug and cover it back up with the sparkplug cover. Start the engine to make sure it works.

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