Getting Rid Of Bed Bugs Bites
Bed bugs, and the bites that they inflict upon humans, are both annoying and hazardous to your health.
Not only are they the cause of many skin rashes, but an infestation also means that anyone exposed to the parasitic insect creatures may also suffer from heightened allergic symptoms.
Their tiny size, coupled with their love of hiding in the crevices and corners in beds and other linens make these small creatures both difficult to cope with and difficult to check for before suffering from any of the related symptoms.
In fact, treatment for most of these symptoms is purely symptomatic, meaning that a person actually has to suffer from some of the symptoms before treatment is given.
The bed bug, which got its name from its chosen habitat, is from the insect family that ticks belong to.
These insects are well-known for feeding on the blood of warm-blooded creatures such as humans and other mammals.
Though they were mostly eradicated in the first half of the 1900′s, these tiny bugs are making somewhat of a comeback in the past fifteen years.
This might be due to the fact that there are more human homes, as well as businesses like hotels, now than there ever were before, but most experts attribute the spike in numbers to the rise in both international travel and the passing of second-hand furniture from one home to another.
Either way, the growth of the bed bug population means that the population should learn all that they can about how to prevent bed bugs before they have to deal with them.
So How Does One Start Getting Rid Of Bed Bug Bites? The first thing that you need to know about preventing bed bug bites is the habits and areas where bed bugs generally bite.
This is important in not only diagnosing the problem, but finding a way to treat bed bugs.
Most of the time, these creatures are quite prevalent and active throughout the night.
While a person is asleep, the bugs feed on their blood wherever they can bite.
This means that any exposed skin can fall victim to these tiny parasites.
Most commonly, bed bugs bite places like the face, the neck, hands, legs, and arms.
A bed bug bite can take a couple of different forms.
Perhaps the most common form is a series of flat bumps all over of the skin.
Usually, these bumps are small, though the area around them might swell.
The most common symptom associated with this rash is itching, which only perpetuates the problem.
As a person scratches the bites, they become inflamed and even more swollen.
This is why it is very important to avoid scratching these bites at all costs.
Not only do you run the risk of making the swelling worse if you scratch these bites, but you can also cause an infection in the affected area as well.
Getting rid of bed bug bites is no secret.
There is no magic medication that will make them disappear right away.
Much like other rashes and allergies that a person might suffer from, time and isolation from the allergen is the best way to get rid of them.
Again, it is very important that the sufferer does not scratch the bites.
If the temptation is too great, or the itch is too much for the person to cope with, there are certain prescriptions that are given.
Various steroid creams, along with oral antihistamines which can help the body overcome the allergic properties of these bites.
Occasionally, when such bites become infected, antibiotics are given by a medical professional.
Preventing bed bug bites is a task that is even more difficult that treating them.
In order to avoid these bites, you first have to know that you have a bed bug infestation.
Experts advice that you do a thorough search each time you stay in a hotel so that you can avoid any unpleasant surprises in the morning.
In order to check for these insects, carefully look around cracks and crevices that are in or around the bed.
Be sure to look for the body casings of the insects, as well as any fecal matter or such stains that might point to an infestation.
It is also recommended that you check around behind the edge of wallpaper or in the cracks in the baseboard as well.
They are worse than dust mites.
Though there is little that you can do to prevent such an infestation, or even contact, outside of your own home, there are some steps that you can take to make sure your living area can enjoy protection from these creatures.
First, do visual checks of your home to see if there are any signs that these bugs have recently been there.
Consider wrapping your mattress in a bug prevention casing as well.
These bags can help keep you from having to deal with an infestation in your bed.
While it might seem overwhelming at first, finding, treating, and preventing bed bug bites is not difficult.
Getting rid of bed bug bites takes time and patience, but in the end it is not something to really fear.
While annoying, these creatures are not known to carry any infectious diseases.
Thus, bed bugs might be quite annoying, but they are nothing to dread.
Not only are they the cause of many skin rashes, but an infestation also means that anyone exposed to the parasitic insect creatures may also suffer from heightened allergic symptoms.
Their tiny size, coupled with their love of hiding in the crevices and corners in beds and other linens make these small creatures both difficult to cope with and difficult to check for before suffering from any of the related symptoms.
In fact, treatment for most of these symptoms is purely symptomatic, meaning that a person actually has to suffer from some of the symptoms before treatment is given.
The bed bug, which got its name from its chosen habitat, is from the insect family that ticks belong to.
These insects are well-known for feeding on the blood of warm-blooded creatures such as humans and other mammals.
Though they were mostly eradicated in the first half of the 1900′s, these tiny bugs are making somewhat of a comeback in the past fifteen years.
This might be due to the fact that there are more human homes, as well as businesses like hotels, now than there ever were before, but most experts attribute the spike in numbers to the rise in both international travel and the passing of second-hand furniture from one home to another.
Either way, the growth of the bed bug population means that the population should learn all that they can about how to prevent bed bugs before they have to deal with them.
So How Does One Start Getting Rid Of Bed Bug Bites? The first thing that you need to know about preventing bed bug bites is the habits and areas where bed bugs generally bite.
This is important in not only diagnosing the problem, but finding a way to treat bed bugs.
Most of the time, these creatures are quite prevalent and active throughout the night.
While a person is asleep, the bugs feed on their blood wherever they can bite.
This means that any exposed skin can fall victim to these tiny parasites.
Most commonly, bed bugs bite places like the face, the neck, hands, legs, and arms.
A bed bug bite can take a couple of different forms.
Perhaps the most common form is a series of flat bumps all over of the skin.
Usually, these bumps are small, though the area around them might swell.
The most common symptom associated with this rash is itching, which only perpetuates the problem.
As a person scratches the bites, they become inflamed and even more swollen.
This is why it is very important to avoid scratching these bites at all costs.
Not only do you run the risk of making the swelling worse if you scratch these bites, but you can also cause an infection in the affected area as well.
Getting rid of bed bug bites is no secret.
There is no magic medication that will make them disappear right away.
Much like other rashes and allergies that a person might suffer from, time and isolation from the allergen is the best way to get rid of them.
Again, it is very important that the sufferer does not scratch the bites.
If the temptation is too great, or the itch is too much for the person to cope with, there are certain prescriptions that are given.
Various steroid creams, along with oral antihistamines which can help the body overcome the allergic properties of these bites.
Occasionally, when such bites become infected, antibiotics are given by a medical professional.
Preventing bed bug bites is a task that is even more difficult that treating them.
In order to avoid these bites, you first have to know that you have a bed bug infestation.
Experts advice that you do a thorough search each time you stay in a hotel so that you can avoid any unpleasant surprises in the morning.
In order to check for these insects, carefully look around cracks and crevices that are in or around the bed.
Be sure to look for the body casings of the insects, as well as any fecal matter or such stains that might point to an infestation.
It is also recommended that you check around behind the edge of wallpaper or in the cracks in the baseboard as well.
They are worse than dust mites.
Though there is little that you can do to prevent such an infestation, or even contact, outside of your own home, there are some steps that you can take to make sure your living area can enjoy protection from these creatures.
First, do visual checks of your home to see if there are any signs that these bugs have recently been there.
Consider wrapping your mattress in a bug prevention casing as well.
These bags can help keep you from having to deal with an infestation in your bed.
While it might seem overwhelming at first, finding, treating, and preventing bed bug bites is not difficult.
Getting rid of bed bug bites takes time and patience, but in the end it is not something to really fear.
While annoying, these creatures are not known to carry any infectious diseases.
Thus, bed bugs might be quite annoying, but they are nothing to dread.