Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Making Chances

Ever been guilty of thinking someone else was walking in better shoes than you, because of the "chances" they had been given? First of all, what on earth would possess us to resent the position of anyone else on this earth? Ego, naturally, but when you realize that you have an ego that wants to force you to be "better" than anyone else, you have admittedly taken the first step to being healed from this debilitating disease.
This disease will destroy your very being, if you will permit it to continue in it's destructive path,a path that robs you of peace and ultimately your health.
We help to make our chances, how we position ourselves in this life, how we promote ourselves, how we communicate, how we produce and protect, how we choose where we will live, how we choose our friends, so many ways.
If you want a chance in this life, recognize the opportunities before you! Look around, what can you find to give thanks for? Live in a state of gratitude, watch the chances pop up right before your eyes.
Chances, or opportunities, as the case may be, exist in the life of every human being, it just remains to be seen, who will take advantage of a particular "chance" to capitalize upon it, to own it, to develop it, to enjoy the fruits of the labor involved.
It merely remains to be seen, how far we can go in our endeavors, if we will realize how much control we have over our personal destiny!

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