Health & Medical Body building

How to Get a Big Chest Fast - Best Way to Build Massive Chest

Before I give you some advice on how to develop a big chest, I'm going to remind you of the need for symmetry - a big chest won't look half so good balanced on top of a wasp waist and spindly legs!  In addition to that, there is the genetics factor.
You have to face it...
some guys have the capacity for really big chests, and some don't.
However, you can certainly develop as big of a chest as possible if you follow the following exercise routine...
and that's what you want, to build the best body you can with what nature has given you.
  So, how do you go about developing that big chest?  The three standbys to developing a big chest are the barbell bench press, the incline press and the decline press.
  Everyone knows what the barbell bench press is.
What's the incline press? That's when you have the front half of the bench at an incline, with your head and chest above your thighs, which remain parallel to the floor on the lower half of the bench.
With the decline press, the entire bench is slanted downward, with your knees hooked over a rung to keep you from sliding off.
From this position, you can do presses with both a barbell and dumbbells.
  But these three exercises are not enough to get you that big chest.
  Try what are called "flys" - exercises which you can do with dumbbells, but which are easier to do with cables.
With these, you pull the stirrup handles towards your chest, then lower them back toward the ground again, keeping your arms relatively straight, with only a little bit of give at the elbow.
This will really work on your pecs.
  You can change body positions with flys as well, of course - both on an incline and a decline bench, as well as on a plain old flat bench.
  The chest dip is also an excellent exercise.
That's where you mount on what's called a "dip bar" - two metal grips extending from a sturdy machine, or the wall, grip the bars with your hands, then lower and raise yourself by bending your arms, letting your elbows flare out to your sides, and then pressing yourself upwards again.
  Then there's the dumbbell pullover.
Lay with your back on a flat bench, and the dumbbell over your head - grasping it behind the plate with one or both hands.
Then, lift it - keeping your arms relatively straight with just a bit of a bend in the elbows - over your head.
Return to rear position and repeat.
  And, of course, don't forget those pushups, either "normal" pushups, or with your feet on a bench, which will really increase the angle and depth of your pushups.
  Combine all these exercises into one workout, and your chest will get where you want it to be.

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