Dropping the Balls Vs Maintaining Balance
Many people have what they desire, a great job or wonderful family and friends, but don't make the time to enjoy these things.
How are you managing your life?Do you feel overwhelmed or out of sync?Recently many of my clients have been talking about how much they have to do, how many different roles and responsibilities they have and how difficult it is to manage it all.
They experience guilt for not doing it all and frequently retreat into self-critical mode.
In today's world, although there are many more conveniences available, somehow we still tend to have too much to do.
Is it that we expect too much from ourselves?Do we set impossibly high standards?Does any of this sound familiar to you? Two primary questions emerge, what can be eliminated or postponed and what pleasures can be integrated into daily life? Here are some suggestions for stopping the juggling and creating greater balance: 1.
De-clutter The more organized your environment the easier it is to find what you need, which leads to more productive use of time.
Create simple solutions; things don't have to be perfect.
When perfection is expected, usually less is accomplished and tension is present.
Group Your Errands Make a list of your weekly errands.
Organize them by geographic area.
It is an opportunity to save time and if you are driving save gas, which in turn helps the environment.
Eliminate Toxicity Are there people or situations in your life that are no longer positive or supportive to you? Are these interactions annoying or stress inducing?If so, imagine what it would be like to eliminate it from your life.
It would require you to set limits, create boundaries and feel good about saying "no.
" 4.
Move Your Body Many people struggle to integrate or maintain some sort of exercise in their life.
Scientific studies show that people who do some form of physical activity are more productive, think clearer and are often happier.
What can you do to get yourself moving?The choices are endless.
You can take a dance class (perhaps it is a chance for you and your partner to spend some time together), yoga, swim or walk.
The activity doesn't matter, it is the fact you are doing something that will make you feel better.
Add Fun to Your Life If you are only doing tasks that you have to, you are missing out on many of life's pleasures.
Taking the time to have fun or do things you enjoy, renews you and gives you more energy.
There is no time like the present to add fun to your life.
Think of these five areas.
Write down what you can do for each one that will help you lead a more balanced life.
Set specific goals and then go back and review them.
Copyright 2008, Gail Solish.
How are you managing your life?Do you feel overwhelmed or out of sync?Recently many of my clients have been talking about how much they have to do, how many different roles and responsibilities they have and how difficult it is to manage it all.
They experience guilt for not doing it all and frequently retreat into self-critical mode.
In today's world, although there are many more conveniences available, somehow we still tend to have too much to do.
Is it that we expect too much from ourselves?Do we set impossibly high standards?Does any of this sound familiar to you? Two primary questions emerge, what can be eliminated or postponed and what pleasures can be integrated into daily life? Here are some suggestions for stopping the juggling and creating greater balance: 1.
De-clutter The more organized your environment the easier it is to find what you need, which leads to more productive use of time.
Create simple solutions; things don't have to be perfect.
When perfection is expected, usually less is accomplished and tension is present.
Group Your Errands Make a list of your weekly errands.
Organize them by geographic area.
It is an opportunity to save time and if you are driving save gas, which in turn helps the environment.
Eliminate Toxicity Are there people or situations in your life that are no longer positive or supportive to you? Are these interactions annoying or stress inducing?If so, imagine what it would be like to eliminate it from your life.
It would require you to set limits, create boundaries and feel good about saying "no.
" 4.
Move Your Body Many people struggle to integrate or maintain some sort of exercise in their life.
Scientific studies show that people who do some form of physical activity are more productive, think clearer and are often happier.
What can you do to get yourself moving?The choices are endless.
You can take a dance class (perhaps it is a chance for you and your partner to spend some time together), yoga, swim or walk.
The activity doesn't matter, it is the fact you are doing something that will make you feel better.
Add Fun to Your Life If you are only doing tasks that you have to, you are missing out on many of life's pleasures.
Taking the time to have fun or do things you enjoy, renews you and gives you more energy.
There is no time like the present to add fun to your life.
Think of these five areas.
Write down what you can do for each one that will help you lead a more balanced life.
Set specific goals and then go back and review them.
Copyright 2008, Gail Solish.