Home & Garden Gardening

Honorable Mention - Purity

Scotty: "I have always had bad luck with white roses. The petals often become blotched and discoloured.
Now look at this white rose that I call 'Purity'. That's how it's done. Beautiful."

Sylvia: "We finally narrowed down our choices. It was definitely hard to do so. Our roses never disappoint us every year. The lone white rose lives in our backyard. The rest reside in the front. This is their best show this year."

Sylvia actually had a beautiful pink rose named after her. "Rose number 3 and rose number 4 were named after me. The Sylvia Rose by Mr. Body, the former docent of the Whittier Rose Garden in Whittier, Ca. On his retirement, he dug up the whole bush and repotted it in a half barrel and gave it to me. That was at least ten years ago and it never fails to show it"s beauty."

The Sylvia Rose is lovely, but in the end both Scotty and I were simply caught up with the immaculate white of this rose.

Congratulations, Sylvia!

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