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How to Be a Player - Part II - More About Developing Charisma

Building personal magnetism, as you learned in "How To Be A Player: Developing Charisma," is a vital part of cultivating your skills with women.
In fact, it's so important that I decided one article wasn't enough to fully teach you what it means to be charismatic and how it's going to help your game.
Here are a few more tips that are going to help you learn how to be a player:
  • Being charismatic means treating everyone, no matter who they are, as an equal.
    Don't put hot women on pedestals, and don't talk down to men who are potential rivals.
    When you are respectful and accepting of others, they will be respectful and accepting of you.
  • Being charismatic means being a leader.
    Great socializers, players, and alpha males alike are all dominant without being domineering.
    They know they do not need to actively control others, because others naturally want to follow them.
  • Being charismatic means displaying strong, positive body language.
    Whether you're in a business meeting or approaching a woman, you should always maintain good posture, make eye contact, and give a firm handshake.
    Never fidget or convey nervousness.
  • Being charismatic means actively listening.
    It's not enough to simply hear - you must give your full attention to everyone you interact with.
  • Being charismatic means not trying to one-up the competition.
    When you try to take others down, you actually lower your own value.
    Don't try to one-up women either - they'll assume you're only interested in yourself.
  • Being charismatic means caring about every member of a group.
    Players know that the best way to approach a woman in a group is to win over her friends first.
    By giving individual attention to everyone in a group, you form a positive connection with each one of them.
Want to know the best way to learn how to be a player? Observe.
Watch other seduction gurus in action, examining how they move and speak.
Take note of their posture, their gestures, the tone of their voice, etc.
Emulate the successful, charismatic players you admire until you've mastered everything they have to teach you.

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