Health & Medical Yoga

Kids Yoga - A Viable Option for Busy Parents

In some geographic areas, such as southern California, there is an abundance of Yoga classes for children.
While in some other areas, there is no choice at all.
In New England, you would be lucky to find one Yoga class for children, within any town, if you travel outside of Boston or Providence.
Of course, cities have many choices, but educating the public about children's health is an uphill struggle.
The average Yoga studio owner will try his or her best to make, at least, one class available for children or families.
Generally speaking, neighborhoods with people, who are pro-active about health, will encourage specialized activities for children.
If martial arts, dance, Yoga, and gymnastics schools, are struggling to find pro-active families, within a geographic area, there is little hope for children's health.
At a time, when physical education is experiencing serious cut backs in public schools, children need healthy activities.
Good health is a habit that needs to be developed at a young age.
There are league sports available, but children are not all the same.
There have always been children who shy away from league sports.
In contrast, Yoga is a complete non-competitive activity for holistic health.
If there are no available classes in your area, you can always contact a local Yoga teacher or studio.
Sometimes, all it takes is an interested group to start a new class.
Many programs, for children, start with five or six dedicated students, and then flourish as the news of the benefits become available.
Consider this: Yoga classes for children have to grow at the "grass roots" level.
Do not expect the government to take action on behalf of children's health.
The track record of inaction speaks for itself.
However, good health habits must be encouraged now, if our children are to live healthy lives.
© Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

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