Take a Moment to Make a Difference
When folks are ugly, mean, disrespectful, or hateful toward you there is usually a deeper reason than whatever seems to be the reason.
Sometimes it may be something you have done that triggers the behavior, but I am seeing that more and more it is something much deeper in them and possibly in you.
I know from my own experience that when I have acted out negatively toward someone; it very rarely had anything to do with that person.
The reason that people act the way they do; especially in a negative way, usually goes deeper than the surface issues.
There are numerous reasons why we do the things we do, but it can be traced back to a deep hurt, disappointment or rejection.
We are looking at this from the receiving end of the action.
In this case we must be able to look past the action and see from their perspective.
Why are they acting this way? First and foremost make sure you make things right on your part.
Be quick to apologize; especially when you don't think you should have to.
Be quick to do what is right.
At the same time, look at the root of the problem.
We have all heard that; hurting people hurt people.
It is very true, so don't be too quick to judge.
But be quick to comfort, offer a safe place for this person.
Don't add to their hurt, but offer peace and comfort to their wound.
Go beyond the surface, behind the walls, and the facade to the real reason for the behavior.
Sometimes we just add to their hurt; by ignoring their pain or retaliating.
Be a difference maker today, be a peace keeper, and a peace maker.
Sometimes it may be something you have done that triggers the behavior, but I am seeing that more and more it is something much deeper in them and possibly in you.
I know from my own experience that when I have acted out negatively toward someone; it very rarely had anything to do with that person.
The reason that people act the way they do; especially in a negative way, usually goes deeper than the surface issues.
There are numerous reasons why we do the things we do, but it can be traced back to a deep hurt, disappointment or rejection.
We are looking at this from the receiving end of the action.
In this case we must be able to look past the action and see from their perspective.
Why are they acting this way? First and foremost make sure you make things right on your part.
Be quick to apologize; especially when you don't think you should have to.
Be quick to do what is right.
At the same time, look at the root of the problem.
We have all heard that; hurting people hurt people.
It is very true, so don't be too quick to judge.
But be quick to comfort, offer a safe place for this person.
Don't add to their hurt, but offer peace and comfort to their wound.
Go beyond the surface, behind the walls, and the facade to the real reason for the behavior.
Sometimes we just add to their hurt; by ignoring their pain or retaliating.
Be a difference maker today, be a peace keeper, and a peace maker.