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Multi Level Marketing Basics: How To Overcome Multi Level Marketing Objections

Objections and concerns generally emerge when a prospect is unsure, or uncertain about an issue you have discussed with them. For this reason, they normally present themselves after the prospect has been introduced to the MLM industry, or reviewed information about your opportunity. Try to think of objections as a request for more explanation, or a request for clarification, as this is often what they represent.

Obviously all prospects are an individual and although there are a sample of more frequent concerns, a prospect's reasons for adopting the views and beliefs that they have can vary from person to person. No two individuals' questions can be handled in exactly the same way. This is why it is so important that we adopt a process for resolving objections, rather than learning memorised responses verbatim.

Study the process discussed below:

I - Identify
R - Relay
I - Isolate
S - Solve (feel, felt, found)

Before you attempt to overcome your prospect's concerns it is good practice to make sure that you are absolutely clear on what the concern really is! If you attempt to solve a question that a prospect hasn't actually asked then you could create objections in their mind!

IRIS is an useful process for ensuring you have completely understood the individual's question or concern. First you identify the objection. Perhaps you could ask them to restate it for you. Once they have done so, you must relay it back to them. Restate exactly what they asked you, in your own terminology. To isolate the concern ask something similar to "Is that all that might be stopping you from ...?" Now that you have completed this step you are in a stronger position to answer the objection, adopting feel, felt, found ("I see why you feel that way, other people I have spoken to felt the same way, What I found was ...").

The key to resolving a question or objection is to fully have knowledge of the information that may be relevant to your prospects. If a person is worried that the company's pay plan seems like an illegal pyramid then you must be equiped with the knowledge to explain why it isn't! You do not need snappy responses, or witty retorts to solve the objection, just show them the differences. The same is true for any objections, so focus on your own understanding of the Network Marketing industry so you are able to share your knowledge with your leads.

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