What Is the Difference Between Cauliflower & Broccoli?
- Broccoli and cauliflower are related to cabbage plants.cabbages image by Zakharchenko from Fotolia.com
Broccoli and cauliflower are members of the Brassicaceae family along with Brussels sprouts and kale. Both are cool-season vegetables that grow best in the spring or fall garden. Cauliflower isn't white broccoli, though. While they look similar and are often used the same way in recipes, they are different vegetables. - Broccoli generally has a green head while cauliflower is white. Some specialty cauliflower varieties come in other colors, including yellow, purple and pale green. Broccoli is sometimes deep green, but some varieties have a purplish cast to their heads.
- Cauliflower requires blanching to maintain its white color; the sun causes the head to turn a yellow-brown color. The large outer leaves of the cauliflower are gathered over the forming head and tied in place to protect the head. Some self-blanching varieties have foliage that naturally grows and covers the head. Broccoli doesn't need this action; its green color is caused by sunlight.
- The edible part of both plants is comprised of underdeveloped flowering heads. Cauliflower produces tight clusters of flowers buds on a nearly nonexistent stalk. Broccoli forms loose clusters of flowers on individual stems attached to a main stalk. The looser heads of broccoli give it the appearance of a small tree while cauliflower is dense.
- Cauliflower is relatively flavorless. It is prized for its texture and its ability to absorb the flavors of the other items cooked with it. While broccoli absorbs other flavors, it has a distinct flavor that is reminiscent of cabbage.