Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Dating Advice For Women - From a Man"s Prospective!

This is some very great advice and it comes from my best guy friend who has been single for a little while because he has gotten very picky.
This happens as men get older and it is something that women have to know about.
Here is some great dating advice for women that will show you how to get a good man instead of a player or a sleezy guy.
Don't allow anything physical on the first date The funny thing is that the guy friend I am talking about has said that if a woman tries anything physical with him or allows him to be physical on a first date, then there will not be a second date.
The reason being is because he wants a woman that is more than just a physical being and the first date should be the time to get to know a guy not feel him up or be felt up by him.
No sex for at least 5 dates This is an absolute minimum and the longer you can wait the better off you will be.
This comes straight from my guy friend and he is very strict about this.
He believes that any woman that will hop into bed with him before the fifth date is just easy and would have on the first date had he tried.
Stop playing the ridiculous dating games This is the most important dating advice for women that my guy friend gave me.
He basically said that when he is into a woman and wants to see her again he does not wait.
He even tries to make plans at the end of the first date.
He finds it to be a huge turn off when women play the games of wanting to wait 3 days to call or any of that crap.
He also said that if you say you will call a guy back, then you better do it or you probably will never hear from him again.

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