Home & Garden Architecture

How to Install Tile in a Shower Tub Enclosure

    • 1). Assure that the wall is flat and free of gloss or grime.

    • 2). Measure the width of one wall, just above the rim of the tub. Mark the center. Draw a line vertically up the wall from the tub rim to the ceiling at the center, using a level and pencil.

    • 3). Use a notched trowel to spread thinset mortar along the base of the wall, covering the entire width, and coming up a foot or so from the tub rim.

    • 4). Set the bottom course of tiles in place along the tub rim, starting at the middle line and working to the side. Put spacers between and below the tiles, so they're separated from each other and from the rim. If the tub rim is not level you may need to use spacers or shims to level the first row of tile.

    • 5). Cut the tile at the two ends of the lines with a wet saw as needed to fit. Leave ¼ inch of space between the cut ends and the corners.

    • 6). Hang the second course of tiles above the first, starting at the center line and working to the sides. Continue up the wall, course by course, spreading on more mortar as needed. Use your wet saw to cut the tiles around the shower fixtures. Do the whole wall, plus the adjacent walls all around the tub.

    • 7). Let the mortar set for 24 hours. Remove the spacers.

    • 8). Spread grout over the tiles, starting at the top and working down, using your grout float. Scrape the grout over the surface with the long edge of the float, forcing it into the spaces. Don't grout the spaces along the tub rim or in the vertical corners where the walls meet. Use a damp sponge to wipe up the excess grout. When the tiles are completely dry, wipe with a dry cloth to remove grout haze.

    • 9). Allow grout to dry for 24 hours and then apply a grout sealer according to package directions. Let this sealer cure for the time required by the manufacturer.

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      Run a bead of caulk in the space between the bottom row of tiles and the tub rim. Let the caulk set for 24 hours.

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