Here Are Three Solid Tips on Weaning Your Baby
Pediatricians universally agree that breast milk is the best start you can give your baby.
It packs a punch of antibodies to kick start the immune system in your little one, is calorie packed and nutrient rich.
Here you will find three tips on weaning babies to ensure an easy transition period.
Whether you breastfeed your child for a week, a year, or longer, there comes a time to wean the child off of the breast.
The following three tips on weaning babies can help you wean your child properly with the least amount of disruption to your children's schedule and the optimum comfort for mom.
Finding the right time.
Having a clear schedule can help make a smooth transition.
For example, do not begin weaning if you are planning a family trip.
The baby may feel unsure in an unfamiliar environment and seek solace in the breast.
Drop only one feeding at a time.
Your body makes milk according to the demand of the baby.
Wait about a week before dropping another feeding, otherwise you may wind up engorged.
Engorgement can lead to mastitis, which may require medical attention.
If your breasts are sore and full after dropping a feeding, try a warm shower or warm compresses to let minimal amounts of milk out.
Drop the least favorite feedings first.
As the baby becomes more alert and interactive, it can sometimes be difficult for a baby to maintain concentration during a feeding.
As such, dropping a daytime feeding first is a good idea.
The child is easily distracted and may not miss that feeding.
Your commitment to breastfeeding is wonderful.
Using these three tips on weaning babies will help ensure a happy and healthy transition from the breast for both mom and baby.
It packs a punch of antibodies to kick start the immune system in your little one, is calorie packed and nutrient rich.
Here you will find three tips on weaning babies to ensure an easy transition period.
Whether you breastfeed your child for a week, a year, or longer, there comes a time to wean the child off of the breast.
The following three tips on weaning babies can help you wean your child properly with the least amount of disruption to your children's schedule and the optimum comfort for mom.
Finding the right time.
Having a clear schedule can help make a smooth transition.
For example, do not begin weaning if you are planning a family trip.
The baby may feel unsure in an unfamiliar environment and seek solace in the breast.
Drop only one feeding at a time.
Your body makes milk according to the demand of the baby.
Wait about a week before dropping another feeding, otherwise you may wind up engorged.
Engorgement can lead to mastitis, which may require medical attention.
If your breasts are sore and full after dropping a feeding, try a warm shower or warm compresses to let minimal amounts of milk out.
Drop the least favorite feedings first.
As the baby becomes more alert and interactive, it can sometimes be difficult for a baby to maintain concentration during a feeding.
As such, dropping a daytime feeding first is a good idea.
The child is easily distracted and may not miss that feeding.
Your commitment to breastfeeding is wonderful.
Using these three tips on weaning babies will help ensure a happy and healthy transition from the breast for both mom and baby.