Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back - How Flirting With Him Can Recreate the Attraction Between You

If you've ever wondered whether you should flirt with your ex, then the answer is definitely YES! But how to flirt with your ex boyfriend is a subtle art; there are different rules and techniques for flirting with someone you already know well.
It was easy to keep some mystery when you were first getting to know each other, but now when you need to recreate that you must refine your flirting skills.
Flirting builds attraction, and that is what you need to recreate in order to get your boyfriend back.
Remember those first few weeks together when you couldn't stop thinking about him and wondering if he was feeling the same? You need to create attraction and excitement like this again, and flirting is one of the best ways to get your ex thinking about you romantically again.
Creating mystery is essential.
This is one of the things that has been lost through your intimacy, especially if you have been pursuing your boyfriend actively since the break up.
Flirting with him will help to undo the negative impression you have been giving, and make him see you in a new and different light.
To be effective though, you need to make some subtle changes in the way you flirt with him.
There are different rules about flirting with an ex, and you need to get it right to have the best chance of turning things around and winning your boyfriend back.
  • Keep it subtle, especially at first.
    You want him to be uncertain whether you are actually flirting with him at all.
    The more he wonders, the more he will think about you - positively.
  • Don't talk about your relationship.
    Especially avoid anything negative from the past - you don't want to remind him about any of the bad things.
  • Avoid contacting your boyfriend when you are feeling low or over-emotional.
    Especially avoid all drunk dialling and texting as you will immediately undo all the good you have done.
  • Don't use jealousy as a weapon, as it is liable to backfire.
    If you want to date someone else, then be prepared for him to think you have moved on so that he turns his back on you completely.
  • Be noncommittal when you talk about your ex.
    Don't rubbish him but don't tell everybody how much you are still in love with him either.
    Keep your comments friendly but neutral.
  • Be patient and expect things to take time.
    Don't ask your boyfriend out on a date the moment he is speaking to you again.
    Stick to casual meetings and general socialising while you rebuild trust and attraction.
    This will give you the perfect scope for subtle flirting!
  • When you do see your ex, remember that less is more.
    Keep conversations brief and upbeat.
    Make it clear you are filling your life with new, fun activities but don't go into details.
    You want him to wonder and think about you.
  • Be friendly and fun, but avoid heavy topics.
    Especially don't be sentimental or emotional with your boyfriend, as your aim is to attract and intrigue him, not overwhelm him with passionate avowals of your feelings.
  • Focus on the future.
    Talk about the things you want to do now that you have the time and freedom.
    Make the breakup look as if it has turned out well for you, rather than destroying your life.
  • Keep your mutual friends, but don't confide in them.
    If they ask questions, smile and change the subject.
    Get them intrigued too.
  • Listen to what those mutual friends say.
    You might learn some useful things.
    But don't probe.
    People are more likely to let things drop when they feel relaxed.
  • Talk about events or parties where you might see each other.
    This is a great way to have casual contact in situations where it is easy and natural to flirt.
    It is also an excellent sign if your boyfriend goes to places where he knows there is a chance of seeing you.
  • Follow up happy encounters with short, fun, flirty texts.
    Only send one, and don't repeat it until your boyfriend replies.
    Don't talk about your relationship or your feelings.
Your aim is to create new and happy memories in your ex's mind, and make him see the future as full of possibilities - if he was to spend it with you.
Don't try to hurry things.
He needs to feel comfortable and relaxed around you before he will start thinking seriously about getting back together.
Try not to make your motives too obvious.
You don't want your boyfriend to think that you have moved on, but you don't want him to be sure that you want him back either.
So don't rush into intimacy.
Give things time to develop so that the excitement and anticipation have a chance to build between you.
You will know you have succeeded when your ex boyfriend starts seeking you out, calling or texting you and asking to you to try again.

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