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The Importance of Promoting Your Site

Think of a supermarket and the internet as being similar.
Well known companies actually pay a supermarket for prominent places in the store, such as end caps right by the registers, while some products are at eye level, others you have to climb or bend down to get to.
This is all planned.
Your website has to be noticed to be popular, and you want to get on that eye-level shelf first, with an aim to getting a prominent place by the register next, so you have to promote your site by any means possible.
Give your Website a Memorable Name When choosing a domain name for your website, make it relevant to your product so the consumer knows immediately what it is.
If you have created a product, one the most important things is a snappy name.
Shout about It Nobody is going to find you by accident on the internet so you have to shout about your product to get found - just like someone hawking vegetables in a market.
Some of the sellers will shout "the best", "the cheapest" and maybe "buy one get one free".
The last is by far the most effective - the word free is an instant winner.
To get people onto your mailing list, one of the most effective techniques is by offering a free eBook to your visitor.
Blog It! Get on blogs relevant to your product and find out the questions people are asking and respond in a helpful way.
don't just jump in and start touting your product.
If people constantly ask how your product can help them, make a YouTube video about it, and post it on your website.
Many blogs will allow you a link where people can go through and watch it on your site.
Write About It! Posting helpful and informative articles on your website, not only gets a vote of approval from search engine spiders, it will bring people back regularly, you are warming them up, so to speak, and if they like what you say they are more likely to buy from you than someone else.
YouTube It! Make quirky YouTube videos about your product.
YouTube is the most outstanding way of social media marketing and you should start using it immediately.
Who cares if you are nervous? People will like that, and if your videos go viral, you'll be successful sooner than you think.
Smile and don't be boring! Organize it! Make your website clean simple and logically laid out so people can find what they are looking for fast, just like a supermarket.
They don't put detergent next to the milk! And always make sure you have an email opt-in box in a prominent position on the front page.
Email It! Sign up with a reputable email service provider and plan your emails and autoresponders thoughtfully.
Once your email list is growing, send out regular informative emails, offering additional products they might wish to purchase.
Link building is vitally important to maintaining your website's ranking, so spend time getting relevant links to your site.
 If you are using WordPress, there's a very useful plug-in called Comment Luv.
It lets you to search for sites that allow comments within the Comment Luv system and will get your links back to your site.

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