Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Nail Fungus Treatment - Cure Fungal Infections

Nail fungus, also knows as tinea unguium and dermatophytic onychomycosis is a nail infection affecting toenails or fingernails. It is mainly caused due to the action of pathogens like dermatophytes, candida and nondermatophytic molds. Heredity, usage of occlusive footwears, poor health and warm climate are other risk factors leading to nail fungus. It is characterized by rough and crumbly nails with creamy yellowish color. In order to avoid misdiagnosis from other similar diseases like lichen planus and nail bed tumor, laboratory confirmation and histological examination are conducted. Treatments for fungus infection can be either systemic antifungal medications or can be topical. Treatments for fungus may take several days or months to find good results.

Itraconazole, commonly available as Sporanox is an important nail fungus treatment prescribed by doctors. Intake of Sporanox helps in alleviating fungal infections there by reducing the risk of nail fungus. Patients can take this medicine either orally or intravenously as directed by physician. Over dosage of Itraconazole, may some times cause side effects like loss of appetite, itching and dark urine. Terbinafine is another oral medication used for fungus treatment. This synthetic allylamine antifungal medicine attack on fungi and ceases its growth. If not taken in correct dosage level, Terbinafine may induce negative impacts on patients leading to gastrointestinal problems, immune system problems and skin problems.

Application of nail polish containing amorolfine or ciclopirox is one among the widely recommended nail fungus treatments. Ciclopirox, a synthetic antifungal agent actively present in nail polish helps in preventing the growth of fungus. Loprox and Penlac nail lacquer are fine examples for commonly used ciclopirox topical solution. Patients can use these nail lacquers directly on infected fingernails and toenails. Before applying the nail polish coat, it is recommended to remove loose nails if there is any. You can apply nail polish once a day for better results. In some patients, it may cause side effects like irritation and itching. So before trying out topical solution for fungus treatment, seek the advice of your physician.

Laser treatment is a commonly suggested treatment used in later stages of nail fungus infection. YAG laser, optically pumped by using laser diodes is a fine example for depicting the laser treatment of fungus infection. It focuses on infected area and kills all the germs and fungi. Lack of side effect is the main advantage of using fungus treatment. Grapefruit seed extract is another natural remedy used for nail fungus treatment.

Sometimes a combination of grapefruit seed and tea tree oil is used for curing nail fungus infection. You can apply this mixture directly on infected nails with a small brush or you can dip infected nails in this medicated solution twice a day for better results. Patients with nail fungus treatments are also advised to add more concentration of antifungal food items like onion and garlic in their diet. Extracts of snakeroot leaf, antiseptic mouthwashes containing thymol and Australian tea tree oil are other natural remedial measures used for fungus treatment.

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