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Mindset for Network Marketing Business Builders: The Power of Creative Thought

Many of my articles are about specific techniques and strategies that you can use in you in building your business.
However, it cannot be overstated how important it is to keep the proper mindset when it comes to building your network marketing business.
I would tell anyone that building a business online is not a "get rich quick" proposition.
It will require time and effort to build.
If you are not ready to commit for the long haul, a network marketing business may not be the route for you.
One aspect of the proper business-building mindset is the knowledge that there is an abundance of opportunity in the world, and if you keep a consistent focus, and back that focus up with a consistent ACTION, you not only can, but will be successful.
One of my favorite books is called, "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D.
If you have never read it, I would highly encourage you to do so.
Even though this book was originally published in 1910, the message of the book is relevant in 2010, and will relevant 100 years from now.
In this book, Wattles speaks about transcending from "competitive" thought and moving to "creative" thought.
"Competitive" thought is the idea that avenues for success are somehow limited, and that if one person becomes successful, it must be at the expense of another person.
I have had countless conversations with people considering a network marketing career.
Many of these people felt it was pointless to even attempt to get started in building a business because that felt that so many people were already "in it", and that not enough people existed for them to build a profitable downline.
I always cringe when I hear people talk like that.
They have talked themselves out of success before they have even tried.
That's because they are engaged in "competitive" thought, and they think that there is only a finite amount of success in the network marketing industry to be had, and that there is not enough left to "go around" for them.
As Wattles teaches, and as I truly believe, there are infinite opportunities and avenues to be successful.
You can be truly successful in anything that you choose to if you develop a purpose and let no one shake you from fulfilling that purpose.
Wattles call this "creative" thought.
It's the idea that financial success or any other type of success can be created through your will and actions.
There is no competition, and your window for opportunity will never close, and your success cannot be taken by anyone else because it is created for you and you alone.
The sooner that you develop a focus and take action, the sooner you can claim the success that is waiting for you.
Just know that if you are considering embarking on a network marketing career, you can be successful at it if you make the decision to be successful.
It's really that simple.
Everything else is a detail on your path to success.
So my advice to those that are considering pursuing a network marketing career is just to go for it!Once you have made up your mind, the skills and training necessary to be successful will become apparent to you, and you will use these skills to build a successful business.
Good luck, and I wish you much success in your business.

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