Tips on How to Get Back an Ex
Is there a "special" method to get my ex back? It may be hard to believe, but yes, there are words and techniques that will cast a spell and make your ex want to call you back.
How possible is that? I am going to show you how to do this because it is a common problem with those who have lost their relationship they want to know and they always ask: how do i get my ex back? Ok, so the question is "how do I get my ex back, to respond to my calls or sms?" This is possible, but with a plan or you will damage your relationship irretrievably.
This is just the beginning of a plan, and not a complete strategy.
This will get your ex to return a call, but not get her/him back to you (just yet).
This is about building a great relationship with your ex once you get back.
The first thing you have to learn is what not to say.
Many people make this mistake, so I will explain to them.
This will almost never work, will get you into a disadvantage position and only create a situation where you will not get your ex back Begging - You call your ex and say something like "Hello, please call me, I've been calling you all day and I really need to talk to you".
As you may see, this is one call that is going to be unanswered.
It will get the calling party into desperate state and only separate you more from your ex.
You don't use pity to get your ex back.
The Urgency.
"Hello, I am calling you because I have an emergency, please call me as soon as possible.
" Your ex can catch this fake call a mile away.
What does this say about you? Only that you are desperate enough to lie, and this is clearly not going to help you.
These common approaches simply don't work, or work opposite to what you want.
If you really want your ex attention, there are methods much more effective.
Let's review a simple one.
Arouse curiosity and self interest.
The most powerful forces in the human mind are our curiosity and our self interest.
This is the big secret: combine the two and you have an instant "magic" technique.
This will work every time! Call your ex and say something like "Hello, it's me.
I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate what you did for me.
When you get the chance, give me a call so I can tell you personally.
Can you see how this uses curiosity and self interest in one sweep? Your ex can't resist calling you back! "What is it that I did?", "Appreciates what?", your ex will think.
Also, it's a positive message, so he/she will get in the phone for sure.
Now you need to prepare what your ex did that you so appreciated This is the Set Up! surely you remember the good times with your ex! and there were moments when you received an advice or support in one form or another.
Think about that and you have your setup ready for the date.
Please remember that this is only the beginning.
I want you to get back to yor ex, so this is only the first step.
Applying this technique, you will have your ex call you back, but you need a strategy to win her/him back.
If not, this could do more bad than good.
When you have a plan, what you do before, during and after you get them to call you back is even more important that just getting the call.
So, this is the basic technique to get them to return a call, now get ready to create a plan to get your ex back.
How possible is that? I am going to show you how to do this because it is a common problem with those who have lost their relationship they want to know and they always ask: how do i get my ex back? Ok, so the question is "how do I get my ex back, to respond to my calls or sms?" This is possible, but with a plan or you will damage your relationship irretrievably.
This is just the beginning of a plan, and not a complete strategy.
This will get your ex to return a call, but not get her/him back to you (just yet).
This is about building a great relationship with your ex once you get back.
The first thing you have to learn is what not to say.
Many people make this mistake, so I will explain to them.
This will almost never work, will get you into a disadvantage position and only create a situation where you will not get your ex back Begging - You call your ex and say something like "Hello, please call me, I've been calling you all day and I really need to talk to you".
As you may see, this is one call that is going to be unanswered.
It will get the calling party into desperate state and only separate you more from your ex.
You don't use pity to get your ex back.
The Urgency.
"Hello, I am calling you because I have an emergency, please call me as soon as possible.
" Your ex can catch this fake call a mile away.
What does this say about you? Only that you are desperate enough to lie, and this is clearly not going to help you.
These common approaches simply don't work, or work opposite to what you want.
If you really want your ex attention, there are methods much more effective.
Let's review a simple one.
Arouse curiosity and self interest.
The most powerful forces in the human mind are our curiosity and our self interest.
This is the big secret: combine the two and you have an instant "magic" technique.
This will work every time! Call your ex and say something like "Hello, it's me.
I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate what you did for me.
When you get the chance, give me a call so I can tell you personally.
Can you see how this uses curiosity and self interest in one sweep? Your ex can't resist calling you back! "What is it that I did?", "Appreciates what?", your ex will think.
Also, it's a positive message, so he/she will get in the phone for sure.
Now you need to prepare what your ex did that you so appreciated This is the Set Up! surely you remember the good times with your ex! and there were moments when you received an advice or support in one form or another.
Think about that and you have your setup ready for the date.
Please remember that this is only the beginning.
I want you to get back to yor ex, so this is only the first step.
Applying this technique, you will have your ex call you back, but you need a strategy to win her/him back.
If not, this could do more bad than good.
When you have a plan, what you do before, during and after you get them to call you back is even more important that just getting the call.
So, this is the basic technique to get them to return a call, now get ready to create a plan to get your ex back.