Home & Garden Home Appliances

How to Read a Relief Valve

    • 1). Find the relief valve on the piece of equipment you are checking. On a home water heater, the valve is located on the overflow pipe. Whatever the equipment, a small valve is present with a meter on it so you can check the pressure.

    • 2). Read the meter to see what the pressure of the equipment is currently. A small dial points to the number corresponding with that equipment's pressure level. The measurements will be in psi, which stands for pounds per square inch. For boilers, a typical reading will fall between .2 psi and 1.5 psi. A reading higher than 2 psi is a sign of a malfunction.

    • 3). Go to the manual for that piece of equipment, and compare the pressure level to the desired range. If it is within range, the pressure is normal. If the number is not within the allocated range for that piece of equipment, repairs are necessary to ensure proper functioning. If you are trying to check the temperature, there will also be a thermostat attached to the pipes, displaying the current internal temperature of the machine. You can find the ideal temperature for the product in the manual.

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