Family & Relationships Conflict

Learn How To Stop Being Clingy and Needy and Save Your Relationship

Women become clingy for different reasons but usually it has to do with the relationship we've has with our parents and our past romantic partners. This neediness can lead to your mate feeling frustrated and can lead to him ending your relationship. So that you can avoid a dating disaster, here are some tips to stop being clingy and reduce the neediness factor in your relationship.

Plan Your Together Time. Do you konw the next time you'll see each other or talk? Not knowing will increase your anxiety about our relationship. Have regular planned time together. A regular time that you talk, or text, a date night, regular day trips or weekends away. This time needs to be a priority for both of you.This planned time together can help decrease clingy behavior and give you something to look forward to.

You must learn how to trust him. You shouldn't think "what if?"when you're not with each other. Don't worry about what might happen if he sees a prettier woman, if he sees his ex or if he's on the phone with a woman. The "what ifs?" can make you crazy. The only important thing is "what is?". You need to try to believe in your relationship and stop stressiing what might happen. Focus on the things that you know are true, not what you imagine. If there's a reason why you don't trust him, you need to talk to him about it and decide if you want to stay in the relationship.

Enjoy your life. Before you started dating, you had friends, hobbies and things that you did with your friends. By centering everything you do around him, he becomes the only source of your happiness. The only person what can make you happy is you. Maintain a relationship with your friends and family and stay active with your hobbies. You'll be happier and less fixated on him. You'll also be more interesting and have more to talk about.

Remember you're a great woman. Remember why he started dating you. You're smart and beautiful and fun. Remember you're an amazing woman. If you have a problem believing this, write it down, repeat it throughout the day. Find activities that you enjoy and go around people that make you feel good about yourself. If you feel good about yourself, you'll be more attractive and confident. This will help remind him of how you were when you were dating.

Tell him if you know why you're being clingy. If he's doing things that make you feel like you don't matter, it's time for the two of you to talk. Most women become needy when they don't feel secure in their relationship. Talk it out. You need to know if he didn't realize how you felt, or if he's just not into you. If he refuses to work on improving your relationship, it may be time for you to leave.

Remember in the end you need to do what's best for you, not him. So stop being needay and clingy and become a cool, confident woman.

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