Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Nebulizers A Powerful Delivery System for Respiratory Drugs

Nebulizers have been used for many years now to treat a wide number of respiratory conditions. One of the main problems with conditions that affect the lungs is delivering medication. Powder or liquid drugs would cause serious problems to the lungs such as choking and even suffocation.

Nebulisers were highly innovative when they were introduced and offered the first really effective way to deliver medicine to the respiratory system. Nebulizers work by transforming liquid medicine in a mist. This can be easily inhaled by the lungs without causing any problems. This means the medicine can be delivered directly into the lungs where it can get to work straight away.

How Do Nebulisers Actually Work?

There are actually several types of nebulizers available that utilise different methods to convert liquid medicine into mist. The two main options available are

1. Jet Nebulisers €" these devices work by using compressed gas to convert the liquid medication into a mist. They are not as commonly used these days as they are not particularly efficient. A significant percentage of the medication is wasted during the delivery process.

2. Ultrasonic Nebulisers €" this device works by using piezoelectric crystals. These vibrant at an incredible speed and convert the liquid medication into mist. These are more popular than the jet nebulizers as they are not only more efficient but also much quieter.

Are Nebulisers Still Used in Modern Day Medical Care?

Nebulizers are still used today for the treatment of respiratory conditions such as cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However nebulisers are no longer commonly used for the treatment of conditions such as asthma. These devices have been replaced with the more effective and convenient metered dose inhalers (MDI).

Nebulizers are also recommended for emergency situations. They can deliver medication effectively when a patient is struggling to breathe and can also help to reassure and calm the patient.

Mouthpieces vs. Facemasks

You can use both facemasks and mouthpieces with nebulisers. Each option provides its own benefits and you will be advised by your doctor on the most appropriate for you:

- Facemasks are easy to use for small children and elderly patients.

- Carers can find facemasks much easier to use for patients with mental and physical disabilities. Nebulisers can be set up on a bedside trolley ready for quick use in emergency situations.

- Facemasks cannot be used though with certain drugs. This is because the facemask design allows the drugs to come into contact with sensitive areas around the mouth and nose during operation.

- Drugs such as corticosteroids should only be used with mouthpieces to avoid contact irritation.

- Facemasks are less efficient than mouthpieces. A lot of medication can be wasted during application with facemasks so it is advised to use mouthpieces where possible.

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