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Sex Tip - One "Technique" That Works on All Women

If you've had a few girlfriends in your life then you'll know that every single one of them enjoyed different things when it comes to sex.
One woman might like a certain spot or a certain position while another woman might totally be turned off by it.
And that's not all, sometimes what they like will be affected by how they feel at that moment.
Or perhaps even what stage in life they are at.
Even what happens to her during that day will affect what she likes that night.
And even though that is the case, there is still one technique that you can use that will work on EVERY woman, EVERY time, no matter her mood or stage in life.
It is THAT good.
If you're thinking that it has something to do with the size of your penis, you are misinformed.
If you are thinking it requires marathon like endurance then you are also wrong.
I mean it's important to learn how to last long enough so that you can fully satisfy her, but a man can last all night long and still not satisfy his woman.
It's not how fast, or gentle, or how slow.
When I realized that what worked on one woman wouldn't necessarily work on EVERY woman, I began to wonder if there was a way to figure out what any woman was into.
And I realize that "asking her" DOES NOT work.
Not only is this a turn off for most women, but quite amazingly, they don't even know what really drives them wild because most women have never been with a guy that was really good in bed.
So they never realized that there are certain things that could take them higher than they have ever imagined.
Much much higher than they have ever gone through masturbation.
So what is it? This one technique is comprised of two words.
No it is not the G Spot.
The One Sex Tip That Will Work On Any Woman.
The one thing that every woman wishes a man would do...
This One Thing Is...
Pay Attention.
I'm not saying pay attention to what I have to say.
I mean the answer is "Pay Attention" While this is simple, most guys screw it up and never quite get it right.
By paying attention to the subtle signals that her body is telling you, and UNDERSTANDING what they mean, will allow you to uncover every fantasy she has ever dreamed about.
You have to listen to her breathing and the tension in her muscles, you have to be able to feel and decode all of the messages that her body is sending you.
And that isn't something that can be done using your brain.
You can't "figure it out.
" You have to listen with your whole body, and then pay attention.
This way, you will know EXACTLY what to do, and EXACTLY how to do it for ANY woman.
Women communicate more subtly than men.
She may say, "faster, faster" but if you think that is all she means, you are very wrong.
And like I said previously, she might not even know what she means.
It could be the perfect moment to hold back from going faster to tease her into an even deeper state of arousal.
To understand what a woman wants when she's in bed with you, you have to listen and pay attention to what her body is telling you.
When she is able to find a guy like that, it's as if she has found a man that can read her mind.
She will feel that you are the PERFECT LOVER that was made just for her.
One that she has always dreamed about.
When you understand this concept, you'll realize that it's not just what you learn to do by paying attention, but that the very act of becoming totally absorbed in her, brings you both into a state of amazing connected intimacy.
In this state, you open up possibilities of pleasure that cannot be reached by touch alone.

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