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Unfinished Outdoor Furniture Stain Vs. Varnish


    • Stain is used to deepen the natural wood on outdoor furniture and has a non-glossy look. Stains can be close to the original color of the wood or a tad darker for a richer texture. You can also purchase "pickling" or white stains for an intentionally distressed or sun-bleached look.

    Oil-based Stain

    • Oil-based stain finishes come pre-mixed with pigment color. Oil-based stain is only good for outdoor furniture in non-humid environments, as it does not dry well in humid environments.

    Water-based Stain

    • Water-based stain can be applied to unfinished outdoor furniture in dry climates where there is less moisture in the air. Water keeps the wood surface moisturized. On porous wood in dry environments, moisture is needed to preserve the life of the wood and to keep it from cracking. It is easy to control the stain outcome with water-based stain because it dries fast---generally in four hours.

    Gel Stain

    • Gel stains absorb into outdoor wood furniture, extend the life of the wood and beautify. Gel stain, once dry, goes well with all kinds of varnish, and varnish looks better over wood stained with gel if the wood is plain, not a variety with a beautiful natural pattern, such as tiger maple.


    • Varnish dries in four to six hours and can be used in humid environments, unlike oil-based stains. Varnish is a good choice for protecting and beautifying unfinished outdoor furniture if a natural look is desired. Varnish also adds a glossy texture to the natural look of wood and protects outdoor furniture from insect infestation.


    • Gloss varnish has an extremely shiny look. Semi-gloss varnish has a silky look. Sometimes a tinted paint is added to varnish for color. This is a good alternative for slight color variations on unfinished outdoor furniture. The result is an accent color, such as red or blue, instead of a stain that deepens the natural color of the wood.

    Stain and Varnish

    • Varnish works well over all kinds of stains. It can be applied over stained outdoor furniture once the stain is completely dry. You may need one to two coats, depending on the coverage needed.

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