How to Repel Wealth - Money Isn"t Everything
Do you ever treat wealth as if it were nothing special - or even unpleasant in some way? And at the same time, did you feel a bit guilty or uncomfortable as you did so? Most of the time this happens because what you are saying does not match how you really feel.
In other words, you may be saying that wealth and money are no big deal, but deep down inside you believe they are.
Have you ever read a story about a person who was very poor suddenly winning the lottery, and rather than feel happy for that person you experienced a twinge of jealousy and then said, "Money isn't everything"? Perhaps you know someone who built their dream home and when you saw it you felt instantly sad because it closely resembled the type of home you would like to have.
To pacify your disappointment you may have said to yourself, "A big home isn't everything.
The heating bills on that place must be outrageous.
They could have picked a better location than this busy road.
" Basically you find every negative you can so your envy isn't so sharp.
While this strategy may make you feel better momentarily, it's important to point out that it has a definite negative impact on your wealth consciousness.
Yes, it's certainly true that money isn't everything.
But it's also hard to deny that money plays a big role in our modern world.
Without it you would do little more than survive.
For this reason, it's important to keep wealth and money in proper perspective in your own mind.
Not placing it up on a pedestal as the most important thing in life, but not diminishing it as being dirty or wrong either.
Your desires for nice things and plenty of money are NORMAL.
It's okay to want these things, and it's okay to allow yourself to have them.
One of the best ways to overcome this money-bashing attitude is by first strengthening your appreciation of money and abundance in all forms.
Be happy for other people who seem to have plenty of money.
Appreciate the money and abundance you have in your life.
Appreciate people who are driving nice cars, dressed nicely, and live in big homes like the one you wish to have.
Most importantly, bless your own abundance just as firmly.
Both the abundance you already have, and the abundance that you know is on the way to you in the near future.
Say things like, "I love that home, and someday soon I'm sure I'll have one like it myself.
" "I'm so happy for that man who just won millions in the lottery, I bet he's thrilled and I will be when my wealth arrives too!" Give thanks for all of the opportunities to appreciate wealth, money and abundance you see around you, and you will consistently keep drawing more of it into your own experience.
In other words, you may be saying that wealth and money are no big deal, but deep down inside you believe they are.
Have you ever read a story about a person who was very poor suddenly winning the lottery, and rather than feel happy for that person you experienced a twinge of jealousy and then said, "Money isn't everything"? Perhaps you know someone who built their dream home and when you saw it you felt instantly sad because it closely resembled the type of home you would like to have.
To pacify your disappointment you may have said to yourself, "A big home isn't everything.
The heating bills on that place must be outrageous.
They could have picked a better location than this busy road.
" Basically you find every negative you can so your envy isn't so sharp.
While this strategy may make you feel better momentarily, it's important to point out that it has a definite negative impact on your wealth consciousness.
Yes, it's certainly true that money isn't everything.
But it's also hard to deny that money plays a big role in our modern world.
Without it you would do little more than survive.
For this reason, it's important to keep wealth and money in proper perspective in your own mind.
Not placing it up on a pedestal as the most important thing in life, but not diminishing it as being dirty or wrong either.
Your desires for nice things and plenty of money are NORMAL.
It's okay to want these things, and it's okay to allow yourself to have them.
One of the best ways to overcome this money-bashing attitude is by first strengthening your appreciation of money and abundance in all forms.
Be happy for other people who seem to have plenty of money.
Appreciate the money and abundance you have in your life.
Appreciate people who are driving nice cars, dressed nicely, and live in big homes like the one you wish to have.
Most importantly, bless your own abundance just as firmly.
Both the abundance you already have, and the abundance that you know is on the way to you in the near future.
Say things like, "I love that home, and someday soon I'm sure I'll have one like it myself.
" "I'm so happy for that man who just won millions in the lottery, I bet he's thrilled and I will be when my wealth arrives too!" Give thanks for all of the opportunities to appreciate wealth, money and abundance you see around you, and you will consistently keep drawing more of it into your own experience.