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How to Plant Grass Seed in North Carolina

    • 1). Obtain a soil test kit from the local county extension agency or from your local home improvement store. Take small soil samples from various locations from the area to be seeded and send a mixture of these soil samples to the soil test facility for analysis. You will receive a soil analysis and recommendations for soil supplements (lime, potassium or magnesium) required to promote healthy grass growth.

    • 2). Purchase a lawn fertilizer that includes the supplements suggested as a result of your soil analysis. As North Carolina soils are acidic you will need to purchase granulated lime in addition to fertilizer.

    • 3). Use a plug aerator over the entire area to be seeded to loosen compacted soil and provide for aeration. You can rent aerators by the hour from rental stores. It is best if you allow the dirt plugs removed to remain on the surface where they will eventually decompose.

    • 4). Spread granulated lime over over the surface to be seeded. Mix equal parts of tall fescue grass seed and fertilizer and load into a broadcast spreader. Spreaders may be rented or purchased at home improvement stores. You will distribute seed and fertilizer mixture by laying down evenly spread, overlapping passes with the spreader. For best results you should make a second pass by laying down overlapping rows in a direction perpendicular to the initial seed rows.

    • 5). Cover any bare spots with straw to hold the moisture and to hide the seed from birds. In the absence of rainfall you will need to water the newly seeded area every three days.

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