Home & Garden Architecture

How to Mount a Shelf Flush With a Curved Wall

    Scribing a Shelf to a Curved Wall

    • 1). Cut a piece of butcher paper or thin cardboard a little longer than the shelf dimension. Make two marks along one edge of the paper to represent the ends of the finished shelf.

    • 2). Lay the paper on the floor directly below the planned location of the shelf. With a convex wall, make sure the paper is equidistant from the wall at the shelf-end markings.

    • 3). Set a compass (the kind you used in elementary school to draw circles) to span a little beyond the widest gap between the paper's edge and the wall. Keeping the compass perpendicular to the wall at all times, move the pointed end of the compass along the wall while the pencil end marks the paper. If you don't have a compass you can use a pencil taped to a block of wood.

    • 4). Cut the paper along the scribed line with scissors. Check the fit against the wall and make any fine adjustments to the paper as needed for a tight fit.

    • 5). Clamp or tape the template to the shelf board, and trace along its edge to mark a cutting line onto the board. Cut the board using a jig saw. Test the fit, and refine and smooth the cut as needed with sandpaper. Install the shelf as desired.

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