Exterior Home Steel Door Installation
- 1). Place a nail into the bottom of the old door's hinge and tap it up with a hammer. Pull the pins out of the top and slide the door away from the opening.
- 2). Remove the half of the hinge that is still attached to the old door, using a drill.
- 3). Place the hinge halves on the new door. There are indented areas on steel doors specifically for hinges so that the hinge surface, once in place, is flush.
- 4). Set the hinge at the edge of the door where the indentions are. Use a square to check that each is lined up correctly with the door. Attach screws to secure the hinges. Drill them in through the screw holes, using metal flat-head screws.
- 5). Slide the door onto the hinge sections in the door frame and see if it fits. If it doesn't, adjust the frame hinge sections up or down.
- 6). Set the door aside and remove the hinge sections from the frame. Connect them with the ones on the door and put the pins in.
- 7). Put the door in the opening and use shims to raise it off the ground. It needs to be off the floor so the door can open. Check that the door is level. Mark where the hinges are located on the frame and then remove the door.
- 8). Take the hinges back apart. Place the hinges where you marked them in Step 7 and screw them to the frame. Use long screws that will go through the door frame and into the studs. This will help with the weight of the door. If there was nothing wrong with the hinge location, you should still remove the screws in the hinges one at a time and replace them with longer screws.
- 9). Slide the door in place and connect the hinges. Slip the pins in place. Test the door to ensure it opens properly.