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Summertime Landscaping

Here are some summertime landscaping ideas.
Around April you may want to start thinking about the heat of the upcoming months, because they can be pretty hot.
So a landscaping idea for these months is to do what you can do before noon.
My idea in these months is to do the planting of the hedges or the trees you want.
That way they will have the time to root before the winter.
If you are planting hedges, I really do not recommend holly.
They are too sticky, if you have little one running around.
What I recommend is the box wood hedges.
They are more likely to grow fast and do not need as much water.
I recommend planting those around 12 inches in the ground and covering them with compost that is organic.
Then you would want to put a little 13-13-13 fertilizer around them, about a hand full should do it.
The trees I prefer are dog wood trees.
They put off a lovely scent and are easy to maintain.
What you do here is get them in ten gallon buckets, plant them in the depth of the bucket, before you put them in the ground.
Fill the hole up with water, let that soak in, then put the tree in and cover it up around three inches above the tree.
Do not worry, this will settle.
Do not put any more water around the tree for three days.
You do not want to over water the dog wood.
Then you just sit back as the tree grows.

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