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What is the Definition of Coercion According to the Texas Penal Code?


    • According to the Code, coercion is a threat: "(A) to commit an offense; (B) to inflict bodily injury in the future on the person threatened or another; (C) to accuse a person of any offense; (D) to expose a person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule; (E) to harm the credit or business repute of any person; or (F) to take or withhold action as a public servant, or to cause a public servant to take or withhold action."


    • The definition of coercion is located in the Texas Penal Code in the Title 1 introductory provisions. See Chapter 1 general provisions Section 1.07 Definitions in subsection 9.


    • The Code states that a person has committed an offense if he uses coercion to obtain employment for himself or another person. He also commits an offense if he influences (or attempts to influence) a public official or voter using coercion. If you give consent that was induced by coercion, then that consent is not effective.

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