How to Keep Your Weight Down and Stay Fit
Many of us would like to lose weight and we think about it a lot.
But, when it comes down to doing it, it seems so overwhelming.
And, naturally, we want it to happen overnight.
However, with a bit of persistence there are some simple steps that you can take that can help you lose those unwanted pounds.
Drink 8 glasses of water each day, or more depending on your size.
This will help to flush out the toxins that will break down as you lose your weight.
Drink the water throughout the day as opposed to a lot all at once.
This will give a gradual flushing of toxins and keep you hydrated.
You may think, "But I'm just not thirsty, especially in the winter.
" Well did you know that thirst is actually a sign that you are already dehydrated? Drink your H2O! Always have breakfast.
Your body needs fuel in order to metabolize your fat.
Make sure your breakfast is high in protein.
Have a mid-morning snack.
Say, around 11am have a snack of an apple and some cheese.
Or, if you prefer, some veges.
This keeps you from being ravenous at lunch and keeps your blood sugar more constant, which definitely helps your weight loss.
Eat protein again at lunch, but don't forget the vegetables.
An all protein diet is actually not healthy.
Plus, you need the carbs from the veges and they will help with the flushing.
Yes! You get to eat again! Have a mid-afternoon snack of something like raw almonds.
Finally it's dinner time.
Try to make it relatively early, again have protein and veges.
However, avoid potatoes, fried food and breads.
Omelets with sautéed vegetables make a nutritious and delicious evening meal.
Next, the "E" word...
DON'T overdo it.
Most of us get overanxious in our initial efforts to lose weight and overextend ourselves.
The overall best exercise for anyone is walking.
Make sure you wear supportive, comfortable shoes.
And have your water in tow if the weather is warm.
At first, don't "power walk", especially if you are not used to exercising.
But don't just stroll either.
Start out with a 10 minute walk if that is what you can manage, then build up to a 20 minute walk at a good clip.
Remember, the key is not to overdo it.
Otherwise you may strain yourself and then give up.
The key is consistency.
Get a good amount of sleep.
Sleep is the time when the body rejuvenates itself.
Weight loss causes a big metabolic change and involves a lot of toxin flushing, so your body needs the down time to rebuild itself.
Now, this tip may work for some and not for others so you will have to use your judgment.
What was successful for me was, after one week of following the above protocol strictly, I would reward myself with a ¼ cup of Ice cream (my favorite!) If you are a chip eater you may want to get yourself an individual bag of chips.
For me it worked as a reward.
Others need to go cold turkey, do what will work for you.
Lastly, every day after you've followed these guidelines reward yourself for your hard work.
Take 15 minutes, or more, to do something you really enjoy, reading a novel, talking to an old friend, playing the piano, etc.
Always remember, just put one foot in front of the other and you will eventually succeed!
But, when it comes down to doing it, it seems so overwhelming.
And, naturally, we want it to happen overnight.
However, with a bit of persistence there are some simple steps that you can take that can help you lose those unwanted pounds.
Drink 8 glasses of water each day, or more depending on your size.
This will help to flush out the toxins that will break down as you lose your weight.
Drink the water throughout the day as opposed to a lot all at once.
This will give a gradual flushing of toxins and keep you hydrated.
You may think, "But I'm just not thirsty, especially in the winter.
" Well did you know that thirst is actually a sign that you are already dehydrated? Drink your H2O! Always have breakfast.
Your body needs fuel in order to metabolize your fat.
Make sure your breakfast is high in protein.
Have a mid-morning snack.
Say, around 11am have a snack of an apple and some cheese.
Or, if you prefer, some veges.
This keeps you from being ravenous at lunch and keeps your blood sugar more constant, which definitely helps your weight loss.
Eat protein again at lunch, but don't forget the vegetables.
An all protein diet is actually not healthy.
Plus, you need the carbs from the veges and they will help with the flushing.
Yes! You get to eat again! Have a mid-afternoon snack of something like raw almonds.
Finally it's dinner time.
Try to make it relatively early, again have protein and veges.
However, avoid potatoes, fried food and breads.
Omelets with sautéed vegetables make a nutritious and delicious evening meal.
Next, the "E" word...
DON'T overdo it.
Most of us get overanxious in our initial efforts to lose weight and overextend ourselves.
The overall best exercise for anyone is walking.
Make sure you wear supportive, comfortable shoes.
And have your water in tow if the weather is warm.
At first, don't "power walk", especially if you are not used to exercising.
But don't just stroll either.
Start out with a 10 minute walk if that is what you can manage, then build up to a 20 minute walk at a good clip.
Remember, the key is not to overdo it.
Otherwise you may strain yourself and then give up.
The key is consistency.
Get a good amount of sleep.
Sleep is the time when the body rejuvenates itself.
Weight loss causes a big metabolic change and involves a lot of toxin flushing, so your body needs the down time to rebuild itself.
Now, this tip may work for some and not for others so you will have to use your judgment.
What was successful for me was, after one week of following the above protocol strictly, I would reward myself with a ¼ cup of Ice cream (my favorite!) If you are a chip eater you may want to get yourself an individual bag of chips.
For me it worked as a reward.
Others need to go cold turkey, do what will work for you.
Lastly, every day after you've followed these guidelines reward yourself for your hard work.
Take 15 minutes, or more, to do something you really enjoy, reading a novel, talking to an old friend, playing the piano, etc.
Always remember, just put one foot in front of the other and you will eventually succeed!