Federal Grants for Mold Removal
- Mold can affect the health of people living or working in a home or building affected by its presence.mold on petrified wood image by MAXFX from Fotolia.com
Mold can cause a range of problems for individuals, including difficult breathing, skin reactions and eye irritations. Some molds can even lead to chronic health problems if left untreated. The federal government, however, provides grants to business owners and homeowners to help them remove mold or assist in stopping the mold from spreading any further. Grant amounts vary based on need. - The Native American Housing Block Grants assists tribes with creating, running and maintaining both rental properties and homes for Native Americans. One of the approved uses of the grant is for mold remediation. In addition, the grants can be used to build new homes, fix up economy housing, create more energy-efficient homes, develop needed utilities and similar activities. Priority is given to projects that create employment opportunities for unemployed or low-income individuals. This grant is administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the application deadline for these grants are usually late summer. Generally, tribal housing authorities will have between one and three years to use the funds.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th Street Southwest
Washington, DC 20410
hud.gov - The Environmental Justice Grants are administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. This grant benefits organizations that seek to assist community members dealing with air, soil or water issues, which can include problems associated with mold. Grant amounts vary based on need, but organizations will generally receive between $20,000 and $50,000. Organizations may use these funds to train personnel, assist the community with environmental hazards or educate the community about environmental issues.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20460
epa.gov - The Mold Remediation program is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This program is designed to assist both communities and individuals recovering from damage related to weather or other disasters. For an individual to qualify for the grant, a contractor will have to inspect the home to determine how much it will cost to remove the mold, and a contractor will also have to conduct tests in the home to determine what type of mold it is and how it can be removed. FEMA will determine whether or not the mold is directly related to the disaster; mold that was present before the disaster is not eligible for reimbursements. Local and state governments, tribal organizations and some non-profit organizations may also be eligible to receive grant funds to repair or renovate facilities that were damaged by the disaster.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street Southwest
Washington, D.C. 20472