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Grasses That Grow Straight & Are Short

    Fountain Grass

    • According to the University of Illinois, the perennial fountain grass, or Pennisetum alopecuroides, is an upright plant and grows up to 3 feet when it matures. The tips of the grass blades have 8 to 10-inch fluorescences, which bloom in the summer. The coloration of the grass' fluorescences vary throughout the year. During the blossoming period, the fluorescences are whitish purple, but they transition into a copper color in the winter. The grass blades turn gold during the fall. This type of perennial grass prefers full sunlight and well-drained or acidic soil. Partial shade is also acceptable.


    • Native to the Midwest and Southern United States, switchgrass, or Panicum virgatum, has an approximate height of 3 to 4 feet. This type of plant is capable of growing in warm climates or elevated areas. In cultivation, switchgrass prefers full sunlight and well-drained soil. According to Michigan State University, this type of grass is being considered as a possible source of alternative energy, such as ethanol. This perennial grass grows during the spring and summer months. Switchgrass has a high degree of drought tolerance.

    Little Bluestem

    • The little bluestem, or Schizachyrium scoparium, is an upright grass native to the prairies of the midwestern United States. This plant grows up to approximately 3 to 4 feet when it fully matures. In spite of its name, the little bluestem's blades have a greenish coloration and it transforms to copper during the winter. This type of grass is the official state grass for Kansas and Nebraska. During the summer, the tips of little bluestem grass blades have clusters of white-colored seeds; the seeds have a hairy texture, giving the plant a feathery appearance.

    Annual Ryegrass

    • The annual ryegrass is a prominent grass species in the southeastern United States, according to the University of Florida, and it grows up to 4 or 5 feet when it matures. This plant is a bunch-type grass and it grows upright. The blades of grass are dark green and the top of the blades have spiky fluorescences. Annual ryegrass plants prefer full sunlight and well-drained soil. This type of grass is a cold season plant, which means it must be planted in the early fall for an early spring blossom period.

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