Foods That Clean Out Your Colon
- Psyllium husks and chia seeds when mixed with water or juice thicken and can be taken as drinks or puddings. They provide fiber that stimulates and scrapes the side of the colon and bulks up stools to relieve constipation. Plenty of liquids are needed for this process; be sure to consume at least 2.5 liters of water or raw juices daily.
- Raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds contain both soluble and insoluble fibers that are ideal for colon cleansing. Sweet fruits should be eaten alone or with dark green leafy vegetables, and never mixed with protein or starchy foods because their acids will inhibit the digestion of other foods. This slower digestion is responsible for much fermentation and production of alcohol and other toxins in the bowel.
- Flax, hemp, oats, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth and wild rice are all fiber-rich nutritious foods that won't clog the colon if digested properly. Sprouted grain bread is superior nutritionally and in fiber content to regular bread. Be sure to chew thoroughly; good digestion begins with saliva.
- Chlorophyll is structurally similar to hemoglobin, the waste-removing, oxygen-carrying component of blood. Chlorophyll in the bowel reduces inflammation and speeds healing. Good sources of chlorophyll are dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce and kale. These should be eaten raw or juiced. Chlorophyll-packed spirulina, a blue-green algae, wheatgrass juice and alfalfa can be taken as supplements.
- Swallow a large handful of hulled raw sunflower seeds with a big glass of water before bedtime. Do not chew them. If the seeds take more than 12 hours to appear in bowel movements, digestion is too slow. Continue colon cleansing with a diet of raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and plenty of fresh clean water. Avoid animal proteins and saturated fats, fried foods, fast foods, junk foods, and highly processed refined foods such as sugar and white flour.