Health & Medical Acne

Using Acne Makeup to Cover Up Breakouts

Acne makeup can leave your skin looking uneven and red.
Blemishes can also show up and be unsightly.
Even when acne breakouts clear up, they can leave scarring that will take a while to go away.
Even if you have a mild breakout, you may wish to cover it up with makeup.
It's quite easy to conceal some forms of mild acne or mild scarring.
However, if the scarring is deeper, you may require medical treatment to remove it.
If you decide to try makeup to cover of scarring and/or acne breakouts, stay away from products that clog pores.
Use products that say they are "non-comedogenic, " which means that they don't clog pores.
If you don't do this, you could choose a product that actually clog pores and can make your acne worse.
Most often, products that are comedogenic contain oils, while those that are not are water-based so that they do not contribute to acne breakouts.
If scars are easily concealed and/or temporary, simply using makeup will cover them up well enough until they go away.
If they're deeper, you may want to consider consulting a dermatologist and opt for laser treatments that will remove this deeper scarring.
Makeup has been specifically formulated to cover-up acne scars, but you can also use ordinary makeup just as well as long as it is applied properly.
If you have problem skin, use makeup that is not oil-based and non-comedogenic.
Many powders and foundations are available that work well on sensitive skin.
If you have especially oily skin, you might want to opt for a powder instead of a water-based foundation, since a powder can also help blot oil naturally, thus helping control its appearance on your face.
Many products are specifically geared for sensitive skin, and some even contain medication that can help control acne as you wear it.
This can help you especially if you have to wear makeup a lot more for long periods of time.
As time goes on, you may find that your acne scars lighten by themselves, so that you don't need to cover them up forever.
If they don't go away, you can opt for medical treatment to remove them, or continue to wear makeup specifically designed to conceal these types of imperfections.
When you choose a product to cover up acne, choose one that is gentle to your skin.
If you try a product and it makes your face irritated, choose something else.
By the same token, when you cover acne scars, use makeup that will blend with your skin so that the cover-up is not even more noticeable than the scars themselves.
Apply foundation evenly, so that it looks natural.
If makeup alone does not work very well, try an acne concealer cream underneath first.
These are also available over the counter in many different shades.
You can use concealer to cover blemishes and reduce the appearance of scars as well.
Again, as with makeup, find a product that does not irritate your skin.

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