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Dealing With Rejection

For many of us, being rejected is not a very pleasant feeling.
Sometimes even if we are confident about ourselves, we are taken off guard when someone we like rejects us.
It gives us second thoughts about ourselves.
Our self-esteem goes down and we may feel ugly and unwanted.
We feel hurt and betrayed and words can only say much about it.
It's okay.
This thing that we feel after a hurtful rejection is normal.
It's how we handle the rejection that will determine the next step we take with our life.
What we should always remember is that no matter how much we are hurt, we should not do anything that will cause harm to us or to other people.
Here are some tips that you might find helpful when you get rejected on a date: 1.
It's okay to feel sad, disappointed or hurt.
It's also okay to cry.
Actually, it is encouraged so that whatever bad feeling you have you can let out.
If you are not comfortable, make sure no one is around to see you cry.
However you do it, just let your sorrow out.
Being alone on the first couple of days may be helpful, but don't stay by yourself for too long.
People tend to be depressed when they stay alone after a hurtful experience.
What you need is the joy of company so go out and hang out with your friends.
They will be able to help you get over the experience.
Don't take the experience too seriously.
Yes, it is a good learning experience but you should not blame yourself for it.
The problem could be with the person who rejected you.
If they don't like who you are, you are better off without them.
Just stay true to yourself and don't change to whatever they want you to be even if it's against your personality or beliefs.
Move on.
They are not the only person for you.
You might meet others who will reject you too, but in the end you will find someone who is interested in you and will love you for who you are.
Make something positive out of every experience and you will find yourself out there again in no time.
Rejection is a very unpleasant experience but it should not hinder you from socializing with other people.
If anything, it should be a new learning experience that you can use to improve yourself.
Just be mature about it and you will eventually find the partner you have been looking for.

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