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PPC Advertising Secrets - How To Succeed With PPC Advertising III

One thing you must provide on your pre-sales page is an opt-in form.
Some people provide the opt-in as a means of the visitor reaching the merchant's landing page, so that the link to that is provided on the 'thank you' page for the opt-in.
If you want to try this you should test it against a straight link and opt for that which provides the best conversion rates.
There is no best way to succeed, but there are some rules that you should follow for success with PPC campaigns.
The first is to understand how much your clicks are costing you.
You must make a profit or your business will fail.
For example, let's say you are making a profit of $20 a sale.
If your conversion rate is 1%, then you need 100 clicks for every sale, so if your price per click is 21 cents a click, you will make a loss.
To make a 25% profit from each sale, you click cost would have to average no more than 15 cents.
You should also test different ads.
Run two or three differently worded adverts side by side.
Google will show them one at a time and given more exposure to the better performers.
You can then discard the poorer ones and try more tests.
Ultimately you will have the best performing advert you can devise.
Even a one word change in a title can make a significant difference to an advert's performance.
If you can learn how to succeed in PPC advertising, then you have a potential gold mine.
You don't have to worry about SEO or good looking content-filled websites.
Your pay per click campaigns will give you all the traffic you need.

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