Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How I Lost Love

When my boyfriend left me, I felt the whole world had ended. I'm telling my story so I can help you if you've been dumped. It's something most of us have gone through, yet when it happens we feel completely alone.

I think that every relationship has a shelf life. There are relationships that are right for awhile and then go downhill. Most of us will only get one true love in our life. The other relationships will end. That's why when I say had my heart broken, I know that this is something we all go through.

For me, my boyfriend and I were thinking about taking the next step. He moved in with me to save money and it was nice having him around. Living with someone is a big step and I think, we jumped in too quickly.

I know we broke up because I wasn't ready for a fully committed relationship while he was. I guess our relationship had run it's course because I wasn't ready to take that step.

I made a mistake. I let an indiscretion happen and for that I was truly sorry. Of course, my boyfriend found out what I had done, and he broke up with me. I lost him because of one stupid mistake.

But, I have to take full responsibility here. If I had been ready to commit to him, then I wouldn't have cheated. I was using self destructive behavior so I wouldn't have to deal with our problem. I lost him because I wasn't ready for to move ahead in our relationship.

I'm glad I had the opportunity to love and know him. But I don't think he was The One. He was someone I really liked being around. I loved him. I still do and probably always will. But, he wasn't my soul mate.

I went through a grieving period and wondering what I did wrong. It broke my heart when he wanted to break up. I knew that I had hurt him but I didn't want to live my life without him.

I wanted to change things. Hop into my time machine and erase all the bad things that had happened. But, every relationship has to change or it withers away. I wasn't ready to change and be fully committed to him so that's why it ended. No matter how much it hurts, we all have to let go sometimes. That's what being dumped taught me.

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