Family & Relationships Conflict

Top 5 Tips to Get Your Ex Back When All Seems Hopeless

Walking around heartbroken, depressed and miserable can cause you to do some mighty stupid things when you're emotionally traumatized.
You're hurt beyond belief the moment you get your heart stumped by someone you love.
This hurt can fester into guilt, anger and jealousy.
These feelings are there to SABOTAGE your chances to get your ex back.
To help you get back on track, here are the top 5 tips to get your ex back...
especially when all seems hopeless and you just want to cry yourself to sleep every night.
Alter Your Perspective The past does NOT equal the future.
You don't live in the past, you live in the here and now, and that's one thing you have absolute control of.
Remember, it doesn't matter what bad things have happened to you or what mistakes you've made "up to this point" in your relationship..
view it as a lesson learned and start to grow from it.
Stay Cool Imagine a big bucket of water been thrown on you right now.
Feel the shiver that goes through you when this happens.
Notice how cool you feel.
Remember, your emotions want to come out, and they are RED HOT and DEMANDING.
Making decisions while in this state means you're not using your head, but your wounded heart instead...
how clear can you see things during this state? Back Away From The Cause This is by far the most difficult step but it's the most important too.
If every time you think of your ex, you feel sad, depressed and want them back.
It's time to move away from that person.
Why? Because what happens when you combine a whole lot of negative emotions that are DEMANDING with an illusion that TIME is killing your chances right now? It creates a thing called DESPERATION, and desperation will KILL your chances faster than anything else.
Feel The Love Within You Do you feel like the love your ex shared with you has now being taken away from you? Guess what? You didn't HAVE it in the first place.
You created the love from within because you wanted it to be there.
Start to focus on that love that is always within you.
Feel it radiate from inside you, outwards, until it has spread all the way through you.
It's the love that will help you heal.
Have Faith Have faith that if your ex truly cared about you, she or he will reach out for you.
The important thing is to be consistent with the points laid here.
Your ex will start to show signs of "cracks" in their concrete-tight decision to break up, and when they do, you'll be prepared and keep your COOL about it.
As I have said, the solution isn't difficult, its keeping to it and being consistent that is the hardest part.

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