Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

What is the Coldest Temperature that Vegetable Plants Can Handle?

    Cool-Season Vegetables

    • Cool-season vegetables grow best when temperatures are between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Hardy, cool-season vegetables include broccoli, lettuce and onions. These vegetables withstand temperatures as low as 40 F, and even a light frost.

    Warm-Season Vegetables

    • Beans, corn and cucumbers are warm-season vegetables. Optimum temperatures for warm-season vegetables are between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. These vegetables do not tolerate frost and require temperatures consistently above 60 F.

    Tender Warm-Season Vegetables

    • Tender warm-season vegetables include eggplant, pepper and tomato. These vegetables should be planted after all danger of frost has passed. Temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit may stunt crops and affect fruit development.

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