Loving Your Life Can Foster Your Success
"If you have zest and enthusiasm, you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind." ~ Norman Vincent Peale
I would like you to take a moment and reflect on the words "my one sweet life." Do you feel a sense of privilege and honor being here, being alive, being You? I think that we are so blessed to be here in this experience called life, and I think that loving this life is a key element for succeeding in it.
You can learn to love your life as I did mine, and you will unfold great satisfaction when you do; I fully know myself. In getting to know and love your Self, here are some ideas to consider:
1. Satisfied Regardless of Your Condition. My desire is to be happy and love life. I chose to love my life and this provides great satisfaction for me as well as a feeling of connectedness to my fellow man and to God. There are also times where I may become discouraged or unhappy. It's a natural cycle of life. However, by paying attention to my values, I can love my life all the time, no matter what the circumstances.
2. Your Life Belongs to YOU. With a grateful hooray to each of our parents for all their nurturing and input during our childhood days, we have to step off that path and claim our life as our own life because it no longer belongs to our parents. As Khalil Gibran said in his magnificent poem "The Prophet:"
...You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you...
You eventually must step away from your parents' hold on you so that you can step into your own hopes and dreams. If they don't like the path you choose, respectfully, this is their problem not yours. Your individuality is 100% unique, and because of that, the dreams that accompany you deserve to be expressed.
3. Negative Messages From Your Earlier Years. Old recordings inside our minds have to be re-recorded. I record right over top of them. If you got a message like "You have to be a Doctor," you can re-record over it with a message like "I've always wanted to be a concert pianist, and that is what I will do with my life." You are entitled to your own choices and decisions. If someone has told you that you are less than in some way, tell yourself how wonderful you are in the new recording.
4. Forgive Everyone For Everything. I have learned that not forgiving is like an anchor around my heart. Forgiveness includes forgiving you all your mistakes. When your parents yelled "You should have know better, and you internalized it as truth," think instead "How could I possibly know better? I was just a kid. You should have taught me something better!" Work to forgive and forget all the things you and others did to you that made you unhappy. Release them and watch them evaporate into their native nothingness.
5. Do You Operate from Hindsight? Life's lessons will always be there. Life's wisdom is always surrounding you as the lessons parade by and it hopes that you will see the organization of what's happening. I have adopted an attitude of "What's the lesson in this for me?" so I don't feel attacked by my own life experiences. In learning to love myself, I turn to my friends to help me through the valleys of life and then I turn within myself to recognize my power and bring it forward to help me learn the lesson being taught. Hindsight is always brilliant, and I've learned that I always emerge from the challenges of life stronger and smarter. Each experience has a benefit, so I try to learn the lesson while I'm "in it" and not have to wait for hindsight to teach me.
6. Be The Change. There are so many options for happiness and love in my life. If I feel as if I'm painted into a corner, I go within myself and ask "What can I change to make things better?"?" I know that change is how I unfold more of myself. Even losses are good. Even things that sting have a purpose, so I try to view everything as some gift of goodness for me (vs. to me) as I strive to recognize what's good and to give it praise when I do. My focus is on happiness.
7. Trust The Inner You. Inside you, perhaps undiscovered, is the fullness of your individuality, just waiting to be permitted an expression. He or she has wonderful messages for you that you would be happier if you learn to listen to. I have learned to listen to my own little voice who unerringly guides me along my own path. You can gracefully side step an issue if you don't want to participate. Simply say "No thank you" or "I'm not up for that right now."." You don't have to justify your decision to anyone. Stand tall within yourself, own it as your own, and step into a happier experience.
" If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love." ~ Star, Jamaica Talk Forum
I would like you to take a moment and reflect on the words "my one sweet life." Do you feel a sense of privilege and honor being here, being alive, being You? I think that we are so blessed to be here in this experience called life, and I think that loving this life is a key element for succeeding in it.
You can learn to love your life as I did mine, and you will unfold great satisfaction when you do; I fully know myself. In getting to know and love your Self, here are some ideas to consider:
1. Satisfied Regardless of Your Condition. My desire is to be happy and love life. I chose to love my life and this provides great satisfaction for me as well as a feeling of connectedness to my fellow man and to God. There are also times where I may become discouraged or unhappy. It's a natural cycle of life. However, by paying attention to my values, I can love my life all the time, no matter what the circumstances.
2. Your Life Belongs to YOU. With a grateful hooray to each of our parents for all their nurturing and input during our childhood days, we have to step off that path and claim our life as our own life because it no longer belongs to our parents. As Khalil Gibran said in his magnificent poem "The Prophet:"
...You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you...
You eventually must step away from your parents' hold on you so that you can step into your own hopes and dreams. If they don't like the path you choose, respectfully, this is their problem not yours. Your individuality is 100% unique, and because of that, the dreams that accompany you deserve to be expressed.
3. Negative Messages From Your Earlier Years. Old recordings inside our minds have to be re-recorded. I record right over top of them. If you got a message like "You have to be a Doctor," you can re-record over it with a message like "I've always wanted to be a concert pianist, and that is what I will do with my life." You are entitled to your own choices and decisions. If someone has told you that you are less than in some way, tell yourself how wonderful you are in the new recording.
4. Forgive Everyone For Everything. I have learned that not forgiving is like an anchor around my heart. Forgiveness includes forgiving you all your mistakes. When your parents yelled "You should have know better, and you internalized it as truth," think instead "How could I possibly know better? I was just a kid. You should have taught me something better!" Work to forgive and forget all the things you and others did to you that made you unhappy. Release them and watch them evaporate into their native nothingness.
5. Do You Operate from Hindsight? Life's lessons will always be there. Life's wisdom is always surrounding you as the lessons parade by and it hopes that you will see the organization of what's happening. I have adopted an attitude of "What's the lesson in this for me?" so I don't feel attacked by my own life experiences. In learning to love myself, I turn to my friends to help me through the valleys of life and then I turn within myself to recognize my power and bring it forward to help me learn the lesson being taught. Hindsight is always brilliant, and I've learned that I always emerge from the challenges of life stronger and smarter. Each experience has a benefit, so I try to learn the lesson while I'm "in it" and not have to wait for hindsight to teach me.
6. Be The Change. There are so many options for happiness and love in my life. If I feel as if I'm painted into a corner, I go within myself and ask "What can I change to make things better?"?" I know that change is how I unfold more of myself. Even losses are good. Even things that sting have a purpose, so I try to view everything as some gift of goodness for me (vs. to me) as I strive to recognize what's good and to give it praise when I do. My focus is on happiness.
7. Trust The Inner You. Inside you, perhaps undiscovered, is the fullness of your individuality, just waiting to be permitted an expression. He or she has wonderful messages for you that you would be happier if you learn to listen to. I have learned to listen to my own little voice who unerringly guides me along my own path. You can gracefully side step an issue if you don't want to participate. Simply say "No thank you" or "I'm not up for that right now."." You don't have to justify your decision to anyone. Stand tall within yourself, own it as your own, and step into a happier experience.
" If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love." ~ Star, Jamaica Talk Forum