Honey Weight Loss - The Benefits of Honey in Weight Loss
The uses of honey can include weight loss as well.
You need to read on if you are attempting your own diet as a honey weight reduction program could be just what you are looking for.
Before we delve into the uses of honey in weight loss let us look at and address a number of common concerns that people raise.
One of the most cited objections to honey as part of a fat loss plan is the fact that it contains sugar.
So let us consider the impact of honeys natural sugars on the body.
In a recent study the carbohydrate effect of fruit sugar (fructose), sugar (sucrose) and honey was compared.
Just over 30 individuals took part in the trial each given a 75 gm load in water of one of the above sugars.
Blood sugar readings where measured at regular intervals of 30 minutes up to 4 hours after ingestion.
The results where conclusive fruit sugar showed minimal impact, whilst Sucrose gave the highest read out, honey was much lower.
Honey weight loss is viable as although honey contains sugar it is not like the refined sugar we buy from the supermarkets.
The sugar in honey is natural containing vitamins and minerals.
To digest refined sugar our body actually uses some of the vitamins and minerals stored up.
As these vitamins are essential to deal with fats and cholesterol build ups a high sugar diet does tend to lead to weight gain.
However as honey is a good source of nutrients it actually helps you reduce weight.
Now we have covered this off lets look at some honey weight loss tips.
Some Honey in Weight Loss Ideas Spoonful of honey in warm water - A great use for honey as part of your weight loss plan is to take about a tablespoon daily with the same amount of warm water.
It is believed that honey triggers the use of stored fat and burns it to provide energy as you are active.
Add some cinnamon for improved digestion - In addition to just taking honey and water, if you are someone who struggles with their digestive system it is worth adding some cinnamon as many claim that this provides relief and just supports you as you continue your diet.
Take honey after a meal - A fantastic use for honey in weight loss is to take some after each meal.
As it stimulates your system and will help you digest your food efficiently.
This is so simple do and a great way to get the best from honey.
If you are seriously considering any weight loss program it is always a good idea to get some professional advice from your GP or other qualified practitioner.
A classic mistake that people make is to actually stop or reduce dramatically the amount of food they eat.
As food contains all the vitamins and nutrients we need the end result can just be a weakened immune system.
The bodies response to this type of diet is just to store up more fat once you start eating again so in essence it is counterproductive.
In my opinion most people eat the wrong foods and also have servings which are simply too big.
Look at what you eat and start eating healthy foods such as honey.
I trust this honey weight loss article has been helpful and would like to invite you to visit my dedicated website that looks at the many uses of honey.
You need to read on if you are attempting your own diet as a honey weight reduction program could be just what you are looking for.
Before we delve into the uses of honey in weight loss let us look at and address a number of common concerns that people raise.
One of the most cited objections to honey as part of a fat loss plan is the fact that it contains sugar.
So let us consider the impact of honeys natural sugars on the body.
In a recent study the carbohydrate effect of fruit sugar (fructose), sugar (sucrose) and honey was compared.
Just over 30 individuals took part in the trial each given a 75 gm load in water of one of the above sugars.
Blood sugar readings where measured at regular intervals of 30 minutes up to 4 hours after ingestion.
The results where conclusive fruit sugar showed minimal impact, whilst Sucrose gave the highest read out, honey was much lower.
Honey weight loss is viable as although honey contains sugar it is not like the refined sugar we buy from the supermarkets.
The sugar in honey is natural containing vitamins and minerals.
To digest refined sugar our body actually uses some of the vitamins and minerals stored up.
As these vitamins are essential to deal with fats and cholesterol build ups a high sugar diet does tend to lead to weight gain.
However as honey is a good source of nutrients it actually helps you reduce weight.
Now we have covered this off lets look at some honey weight loss tips.
Some Honey in Weight Loss Ideas Spoonful of honey in warm water - A great use for honey as part of your weight loss plan is to take about a tablespoon daily with the same amount of warm water.
It is believed that honey triggers the use of stored fat and burns it to provide energy as you are active.
Add some cinnamon for improved digestion - In addition to just taking honey and water, if you are someone who struggles with their digestive system it is worth adding some cinnamon as many claim that this provides relief and just supports you as you continue your diet.
Take honey after a meal - A fantastic use for honey in weight loss is to take some after each meal.
As it stimulates your system and will help you digest your food efficiently.
This is so simple do and a great way to get the best from honey.
If you are seriously considering any weight loss program it is always a good idea to get some professional advice from your GP or other qualified practitioner.
A classic mistake that people make is to actually stop or reduce dramatically the amount of food they eat.
As food contains all the vitamins and nutrients we need the end result can just be a weakened immune system.
The bodies response to this type of diet is just to store up more fat once you start eating again so in essence it is counterproductive.
In my opinion most people eat the wrong foods and also have servings which are simply too big.
Look at what you eat and start eating healthy foods such as honey.
I trust this honey weight loss article has been helpful and would like to invite you to visit my dedicated website that looks at the many uses of honey.