Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Writing Can Keep You Sane!

Keeping a journal can make such a difference to your state of mind and how you view the world.
With my websites I also recommend to people that they write it down, because getting your thoughts onto paper can be such a therapeutic experience.
Whether you are writing about good things that have happened or things that have gone wrong in your life, writing it down helps you to see your situation more clearly.
I find that for me when I write about things that have upset me, I don't become so overwhelmed in my problems and can move past them far easier than I could otherwise.
I will sometimes write about anything and everything just to get it off my chest and to unload on someone without having to actually speak to anyone about something that is concerning me.
Mind you as a counselor I do also recommend talking about your problems if writing about it is not enough for you.
What I also like to do is record what I have achieved for the month and certain things I've done.
This helps me to keep focused on my goals and on achieving what I want to achieve for the month and for the year.
It also helps to remind me, when I am feeling down that I have done some wonderful things and have had a lot of fun in doing them.
It helps me to see that life hasn't all been work, nappies and screaming children and that thrown amongst that I have had some time with friends and have had some time with my family and have had some time to myself as well.
Writing things down helps to keep me grounded and helps me to remember the good more than the bad.
It helps to shift my focus and my perspective on the trials and traumas of life and allows me to see that I am still spending some of my time here actually living rather than just drifting along.
I like to know that at the end of the year, not only have I achieved some or most of my set goals but also that I have had quite a good year despite all the difficult times and torment that we can so often faced with on a regular basis.
Life gets busy, hectic and expensive and we need to remind ourselves that it is still the little things that help to make up our lives.
It is the dinners with friends, or movies or the laughter shared with our children that we want to remember and not the constant stream of bills and never ending debt that lies in front of us.
Our children will not remember whether we had a mortgage or not, and how much our bills cost, but they will remember whether we got to spend time with them or not and whether we appreciated our time with them and our time apart.
They will remember that we lived our lives as we should and were basically happy in the process rather than we were always tired and always complaining.
For us too and for our friends and our families we want to be seen as having enjoyed life and made the most out of what we had.
We don't have to do extreme things to continually make us feel like we are alive, but at least to do things that make us happy and make us get some enjoyment out of life.
In fact it is often those very small and simple things that help to ground us and remind us why we are all here and what purpose we have.
For me, sitting on the beach watching the waves rush in a cold winters day can be very calming and soothing to my soul.
It's not expensive but it helps to make me feel alive again and happy that I'm still here.
It also helps to remind me that there is so much beauty out there that we are surrounded by every single day, we just have to realize it and to open our eyes and truly see it.
So, I say, no matter what it is you do or what you experience write it down and regularly read over it, so that you can remind yourself during those sometimes dark and difficult times of the good that has existed in your life at times and that is what we should be remembering instead of all the bad stuff that can plague us just a little too much..

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