Health & Medical Parenting

Activities for Physical Movement in Toddlers

    Walking With Toddlers

    • Family walks outdoors are good for toddlers.walking the toddler image by jimcox40 from

      Taking a toddler on a daily walk is good exercise for all involved. Walking is a habit that toddlers should start as soon as they can take steps. Hold the child's hand while taking slow steps to show him how to place one foot in front of the other while maintaining balance. Regularly walk with the child indoors or in safe outdoor areas for short periods of time. This will help the child gain confidence so that independent walking is the next step. Always hold your child's hand in public places.

    Hand and Eye Coordination Exercises

    • Playing catch is a fun way to learn eye-hand coordination.dropped the ball image by Mat Hayward from

      These physical activities are important as they teach a toddler how to catch and how to begin to feed him or herself. Throw a soft ball directly toward the toddler's hands and encourage the child to catch the ball. Encourage the child to throw the ball back. Another activity is to set bite-sized snacks at arms reach of the child and mime eating. Show the child how to reach out, pick the snack up and place in his or her mouth. Picking up non-slippery small toys and teaching a child how to place stickers on paper are all ways to increase the fine motor skills that toddlers need for their development. Remember that many of these activities include small items that may be choking hazards for small children. Supervise accordingly and don't allow a child to play alone with small objects.

    Water Activities

    • Swimming is a great form of exercise.children in pool image by Marzanna Syncerz from

      Most toddlers love bath time and playing in shallow pools. Toys and bubbles are fun incentives to encourage water play. Ensure the water is shallow and warm and disengage hoses and faucets once the water has been poured. Introduce these activities to children who fear water slowly, over time. Water play is good physical exercise for toddlers and offers a great opportunity to teach about water safety. Precautions include keeping the child's head above water, staying away from hoses and faucets so as not to risk burns, and not over-filling the pool or tub. Use flotation devices and never leave toddlers alone in or near water.

    Dancing With Todders

    • Dancing is important for physical and emotional development.dancing dad image by Mat Hayward from

      Children need to be active as soon as they begin to roll around or crawl. Most children love music and have a natural tendency to move to the beat. Fast music with a strong beat is a great kind of sound for toddlers who want to dance. Give toddlers a safe space to move around in and put breakables away. Dance and smile alongside toddlers to encourage them. Dance groups and lessons are available in most community or recreational centers for little or no cost.

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