Technology Electronics

How to Add an MP4 to an iPod

    • 1). Download and install iTunes from the Apple iTunes Web site if you do not have it on your computer already.

    • 2). Open iTunes. Locate your MP4 video on your computer, and drag it onto the "Movies" entry of the iTunes "Library," located on the left sidebar.

    • 3). Wait for iTunes to process the movie.

    • 4). Connect the iPod to the computer by using the USB cable provided. Wait for the iPod to sync with iTunes.

    • 5). Click on the iPod entry in the "Devices" section of iTunes. Click the "Movies" tab.

    • 6). Click the "Sync Movies" box if it is not already selected. You can then choose to sync all movies to your iPod, or you can select only the MP4 video from the list provided.

    • 7). Click the "Apply" button. Then wait for iTunes to sync with the iPod. The MP4 will be added to your iPod when the sync is finished.

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