Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

How To Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast Naturally

For most of us, it is bad enough that we are forced to live in the middle of the road in regards to our appearance.
Surely we would all love to look like supermodels and movie stars, but that simply will never be the case for the majority of the population.
In fact, with winter right around the corner, things may be getting worse for some folks, in the form of herpes.
No, I am not talking about the type two version of the virus that most people are familiar with (genital herpes).
Rather, I would like to discuss the type one virus (cold sores).
Cold, or canker sores, for those of you who may never have had one before, are very unsightly sores that form on the lip or outer ring of the mouth, which can be painful if not dealt with quickly.
Let's touch on a few different ways to prevent these unsightly sores and offer some advice on how to get rid of cold sores fast when they do make a sudden appearance.
It is important to look at how these types of sores are caused before you can know how to prevent them and get rid of them if they do make an appearance.
The most common reason that most people become infected with a cold sore is due to high levels of stress.
So if you are someone under a lot of stress, it would behoove you to try to relax to ensure that you don't have a mouth sore outbreak.
The next major reason why these sores form, which I alluded to earlier, is when the seasons change.
Especially in late fall and early spring, the temperature change is often dramatic and quite abrupt, and this sudden disturbance is often the source of a cold sore occurrence.
So how can you be prepared for this kind of outbreak? One method that many choose, and is even suggested by many doctors, is to use lip balm as often as possible.
If, however, you forget your lip medication and you begin to feel a tingling sensation on the edges of your lips, be sure to do the ice trick.
This involves simply taking a piece of ice and placing it directly on the skin where you feel the tingling.
This is supposed to mimic the wart removal process (freezing it out), and because the sore has just begun to form it is generally rather successful.
The last major reason people have an outbreak is by having a poor immune system.
In order to avoid canker sores, you should get plenty of Vitamin C each day, as well as attempt to sleep eight hours a night.
Doing these two things will keep you much healthier for the long term and help to avoid sickness and cold sores.
The previously mentioned solutions to the cold sore problems are a few of the holistic measures you can take.
However, if you prefer medicine over a natural healing process, then you can find a variety of medications over the counter.
Now that you are armed with this knowledge, you are on your way to becoming an expert on how to get rid of cold sores fast.

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